
James M. Coggins

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6 James M. Coggins: Identifying Revolutionary Computing Technologies. NeuroImage 4(3): S48-S52 (1996)
5 Terry S. Yoo, James M. Coggins: Using Statistical Pattern Recognition Techniques to Control Variable Conductance Diffusion. IPMI 1993: 459-471
4 James M. Coggins: Design Criteria for C++ Libraries. C++ Conference 1990: 25-36
3 Stephen M. Pizer, John M. Gauch, James M. Coggins, Tim J. Cullip, Robin E. Fredericksen, Victoria Interrante: Multiscale, Geometric Image Descriptions for Interactive Object Definition. DAGM-Symposium 1989: 229-239
2EEJames M. Coggins, Gregory Bollella: Managing C++ libraries. SIGPLAN Notices 24(6): 37-48 (1989)
1 James M. Coggins: Integrated Class Structures for Image Pattern Recognition and Computer Graphics. C++ Workshop 1987: 240-245

Coauthor Index

1Gregory Bollella [2]
2Tim J. Cullip [3]
3Robin E. Fredericksen [3]
4John M. Gauch [3]
5Victoria Interrante [3]
6Stephen M. Pizer [3]
7Terry S. Yoo [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)