
Ian Cloete

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18EEJacobus van Zyl, Ian Cloete: Specialization models for a general fuzzy set covering framework. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(21): 2787-2808 (2006)
17EEIan Cloete, Jacobus van Zyl: Fuzzy rule induction in a set covering framework. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 14(1): 93-110 (2006)
16EEJacobus van Zyl, Ian Cloete: Simultaneous Concept Learning of Fuzzy Rules. ECML 2004: 548-559
15EEJacobus van Zyl, Ian Cloete: Heuristic functions for learning fuzzy conjunctive rules. SMC (3) 2004: 2332-2337
14EEIan Cloete, Jacobus van Zyl: A machine learning framework for fuzzy set covering algorithms. SMC (4) 2004: 3199-3203
13EEWing W. Y. Ng, Daniel S. Yeung, Ian Cloete: Quantitative study on effect of center selection to RBFNN classification performance. SMC (4) 2004: 3692-3697
12EEIan Cloete, Karl Rohr: Knowledge-based neurocomputing in medicine. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 28(2): 117-119 (2003)
11EEAndrew Skabar, Ian Cloete: Neural Networks and Financial Trading and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. ACSC 2002: 241-249
10EEH. L. Viktor, Ian Cloete: Inductive Learning with a Computational Network. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 21(2): 131-141 (1998)
9EEPieter Theron, Ian Cloete: Automatic Acquisition of Two-Level Morphological Rules. ANLP 1997: 103-110
8 Hendrik Theron, Ian Cloete: BEXA: A Covering Algorithm for Learning Propositional Concept Descriptions. Machine Learning 24(1): 5-40 (1996)
7EEJacek M. Zurada, Ian Cloete, Etienne van der Poel: Generalized Hopfield networks for associative memories with multi-valued stable states. Neurocomputing 13(2-4): 135-149 (1996)
6 Andries Petrus Engelbrecht, Ian Cloete, Jaco Geldenhuys, Jacek M. Zurada: Automatic Scaling using Gamma Learning for Feedforward Neural Networks. IWANN 1995: 374-381
5 Andries Petrus Engelbrecht, Ian Cloete, Jacek M. Zurada: Determining the Significance of Input Parameters using Sensitivity Analysis. IWANN 1995: 382-388
4 H. L. Viktor, Ian Cloete: Extracting DNF Rules from Artificial Neural Networks. IWANN 1995: 611-618
3 Jacek M. Zurada, Aleksander Malinowski, Ian Cloete: Sensitivity Analysis for Minimization of Input Data Dimension for Feedforward Neural Network. ISCAS 1994: 447-450
2 Hendrik Theron, Ian Cloete: An Empirical Evaluation of Beam Search and Pruning in BEXA. ICTAI 1993: 132-139
1 Ian Cloete, Jacques Ludik: Increased Complexity Training. IWANN 1993: 267-271

Coauthor Index

1Andries Petrus Engelbrecht [5] [6]
2Jaco Geldenhuys [6]
3Jacques Ludik [1]
4Aleksander Malinowski [3]
5Wing W. Y. Ng [13]
6Etienne van der Poel [7]
7Karl Rohr [12]
8Andrew Skabar [11]
9Hendrik Theron [2] [8]
10Pieter Theron [9]
11H. L. Viktor [4] [10]
12Daniel S. Yeung [13]
13Jacek M. Zurada [3] [5] [6] [7]
14Jacobus van Zyl [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)