
John W. Clark

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5EEN. J. Costiris, E. Mavrommatis, Klaus A. Gernoth, John W. Clark: Decoding Beta-Decay Systematics: A Global Statistical Model for Beta^- Halflives CoRR abs/0806.2850: (2008)
4EEMichael J. Barber, John W. Clark, Charles H. Anderson: Neural Representation of Probabilistic Information. Neural Computation 15(8): 1843-1864 (2003)
3EEPatrick C. McGuire, Henrik Bohr, John W. Clark, Robert Haschke, Chris L. Pershing, Johann Rafelski: Threshold disorder as a source of diverse and complex behavior in random nets. Neural Networks 15(10): 1243-1258 (2002)
2EECharles H. Anderson, Qingfeng Huang, John W. Clark: Harmonic analysis of spiking neuronal pairs. Neurocomputing 32-33: 279-284 (2000)
1EEKlaus A. Gernoth, John W. Clark: Neural networks that learn to predict probabilities: Global models of nuclear stability and decay. Neural Networks 8(2): 291-311 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Charles H. Anderson [2] [4]
2Michael J. Barber [4]
3Henrik Bohr [3]
4N. J. Costiris [5]
5Klaus A. Gernoth [1] [5]
6Robert Haschke [3]
7Qingfeng Huang [2]
8E. Mavrommatis [5]
9Patrick C. McGuire [3]
10Chris L. Pershing [3]
11Johann Rafelski [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)