
YunKoo Chung

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5 Dae-Geun Jang, YunKoo Chung, SooYoung Chi, Jung Soh: Geometric distortion correction of camera document images using skew feature of characters. Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2004: 315-320
4EEWonpil Yu, YunKoo Chung, Jung Soh: Vignetting Distortion Correction Method for High Quality Digital Imaging. ICPR (3) 2004: 666-669
3EEJaeyeon Lee, Ho-Sub Yoon, Jung Soh, Byungtae Chun, YunKoo Chung: Using geometric extrema for segment-to-segment characteristics comparison in online signature verification. Pattern Recognition 37(1): 93-103 (2004)
2EESooHyun Cho, YunKoo Chung, Jaeyeon Lee: Automatic Image Mosaic System Using Image Feature Detection and Taylor Series. DICTA 2003: 549-560
1 Wonpil Yu, YunKoo Chung: A calibration-free lens distortion correction method for low cost digital imaging. ICIP (1) 2003: 813-816

Coauthor Index

1SooYoung Chi [5]
2SooHyun Cho [2]
3Byungtae Chun [3]
4Dae-Geun Jang [5]
5Jaeyeon Lee [2] [3]
6Jung Soh [3] [4] [5]
7Ho-Sub Yoon [3]
8Wonpil Yu [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)