
Y. C. Chung

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3EES. C. Park, Y. C. Chung: Offset tool-path linking for pocket machining. Computer-Aided Design 34(4): 299-308 (2002)
2 K. C. Patel, Jeffrey L. Duerk, Q. Zhang, Y. C. Chung, M. Williams, K. Kaczynski, Michael Wendt, Jonathan S. Lewin: Methods for providing probe position and temperature information on MR images during interventional procedures. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 17(5): 794-802 (1998)
1EEB. K. Choi, Y. C. Chung, J. W. Park, D. H. Kim: Unified CAM-system architecture for die and mould manufacturing. Computer-Aided Design 26(3): 235-243 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1B. K. Choi [1]
2Jeffrey L. Duerk [2]
3K. Kaczynski [2]
4D. H. Kim [1]
5Jonathan S. Lewin [2]
6J. W. Park [1]
7S. C. Park [3]
8K. C. Patel [2]
9Michael Wendt [2]
10M. Williams [2]
11Q. Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)