
Shun-Ping Chung

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8EEShun-Ping Chung, Shih-Chin Chien: Analysis of multiservice cellular networks with asymmetrical traffic and handoff queue. Computer Communications 28(8): 864-879 (2005)
7EEShun-Ping Chung, Jin-Chang Lee: Performance analysis and overflowed traffic characterization in multiservice hierarchical wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(3): 904-918 (2005)
6EEShun-Ping Chung, Min-Tsang Li: Prioritized Call Admission Control of Multiservice Hierarchical Wireless Networks. IEICE Transactions 88-B(6): 2566-2577 (2005)
5EEShun-Ping Chung, Chin-Lien Chiu: Joint call admission control/congestion control for wireless integrated voice/data networks. Computer Communications 25(17): 1653-1664 (2002)
4EEShun-Ping Chung, Jin-Chang Lee: Mobility-dependent call admission control in hierarchical cellular networks. Computer Communications 25(7): 700-713 (2002)
3EEShun-Ping Chung, Chi-Ming Tsai: Random Early Blocking Routing in VP-Based ATM Networks. ICOIN 2001: 461-
2EEShun-Ping Chung, Arik N. Kashper, Keith W. Ross: Computing approximate blocking probabilities for large loss networks with state-dependent routing. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 1(1): 105-115 (1993)
1 Shun-Ping Chung, Keith W. Ross: On Nonblocking Multirate Interconnection Networks. SIAM J. Comput. 20(4): 726-736 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Shih-Chin Chien [8]
2Chin-Lien Chiu [5]
3Arik N. Kashper [2]
4Jin-Chang Lee [4] [7]
5Min-Tsang Li [6]
6Keith W. Ross [1] [2]
7Chi-Ming Tsai [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)