
C. Chu

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4EEH. Fei, C. Chu, Nadine Meskens: Solving a tactical operating room planning problem by a column-generation-based heuristic procedure with four criteria. Annals OR 166(1): 91-108 (2009)
3EEC. Chu: FLUTE: fast lookup table based wirelength estimation technique. ICCAD 2004: 696-701
2 V. Gordon, J.-M. Proth, C. Chu: Parallel Machine Scheduling with Common Due Date. Applied Informatics 1999: 444-446
1EEJan M. Rabaey, C. Chu, Phu Hoang, Miodrag Potkonjak: Fast Prototyping of Datapath-Intensive Architectures. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 8(2): 40-51 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1H. Fei [4]
2V. Gordon [2]
3Phu Hoang [1]
4Nadine Meskens [4]
5Miodrag Potkonjak [1]
6J.-M. Proth [2]
7Jan M. Rabaey [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)