2008 |
12 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias,
Angelina Vidali:
A Characterization of 2-Player Mechanisms for Scheduling.
ESA 2008: 297-307 |
11 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Annamária Kovács,
Michael Schapira:
Bayesian Combinatorial Auctions.
ICALP (1) 2008: 820-832 |
10 | EE | George Christodoulou:
Price of Anarchy.
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
9 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias,
Paul G. Spirakis:
On the performance of approximate equilibria in congestion games
CoRR abs/0804.3160: (2008) |
8 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias,
Angelina Vidali:
A characterization of 2-player mechanisms for scheduling
CoRR abs/0807.3427: (2008) |
2007 |
7 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Laurent Gourvès,
Fanny Pascual:
Scheduling Selfish Tasks: About the Performance of Truthful Algorithms.
COCOON 2007: 187-197 |
6 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias,
Annamária Kovács:
Mechanism Design for Fractional Scheduling on Unrelated Machines.
ICALP 2007: 40-52 |
5 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias,
Angelina Vidali:
A lower bound for scheduling mechanisms.
SODA 2007: 1163-1170 |
2006 |
4 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Vahab S. Mirrokni,
Anastasios Sidiropoulos:
Convergence and Approximation in Potential Games.
STACS 2006: 349-360 |
2005 |
3 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias:
On the Price of Anarchy and Stability of Correlated Equilibria of Linear Congestion Games.
ESA 2005: 59-70 |
2 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias:
The price of anarchy of finite congestion games.
STOC 2005: 67-73 |
2004 |
1 | EE | George Christodoulou,
Elias Koutsoupias,
Akash Nanavati:
Coordination Mechanisms.
ICALP 2004: 345-357 |