
Ryszard S. Choras

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13EERyszard S. Choras: Feature Extraction of Gray-Scale Handwritten Characters Using Gabor Filters and Zernike Moments. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 340-347
12EERyszard S. Choras: Shape and Texture Feature Extraction for Retrieval Mammogram in Databases. Information Technologies in Biomedicine 2008: 121-128
11EERyszard S. Choras: Iris Image Recognition. CISIM 2007: 26-30
10EERyszard S. Choras, Michal Choras: Multimodal Hand-Palm Biometrics. ICANNGA (2) 2007: 407-414
9EERyszard S. Choras, Tomasz Andrysiak, Michal Choras: Integrated color, texture and shape information for content-based image retrieval. Pattern Anal. Appl. 10(4): 333-343 (2007)
8EERyszard S. Choras, Tomasz Andrysiak, Michal Choras: Content Based Image Retrieval Technique. CORES 2005: 371-378
7 Ryszard S. Choras: Moment based features for content based image retrieval. ICINCO 2005: 395-398
6EERyszard S. Choras: Fuzzy Processing Technique for Content-Based Image Retrieval. ICAISC 2004: 682-687
5 Ryszard S. Choras: Invariant Features for Character Recognition. ICINCO (3) 2004: 102-107
4EERyszard S. Choras: Content-Based Retrieval Using Color, Texture, and Shape Information. CIARP 2003: 619-626
3EERyszard S. Choras, Michal Choras: Computer Visual System Analyzing the Influence of Stimulants on Human Motion. AMDO 2002: 241-250
2 Ryszard S. Choras: Image Coding by Morphological Skeleton Transformation. CAIP 1993: 216-222
1EERyszard S. Choras: Image processing system for industrial robots. Image Vision Comput. 2(1): 31-33 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Tomasz Andrysiak [8] [9]
2Michal Choras [3] [8] [9] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)