
Hae-Wook Choi

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12EESeongmin Noh, Daehyun Kim, Vu-Duc Ngo, Hae-Wook Choi: Performance and Complexity Analysis of Credit-Based End-to-End Flow Control in Network-on-Chip. ISPA 2007: 268-277
11EEHuy Nam Nguyen, Vu-Duc Ngo, Younghwan Bae, Hanjin Cho, Hae-Wook Choi: An QoS Aware Mapping of Cores Onto NoC Architectures. ISPA 2007: 278-288
10EEVu-Duc Ngo, June-Young Chang, Younghwan Bae, Hanjin Cho, Hae-Wook Choi: Latency Optimization for NoC Design of H.264 Decoder Based on Self-similar Traffic Modeling. ISPA 2007: 289-302
9EEVu-Duc Ngo, Huy Nam Nguyen, Hae-Wook Choi: The Optimum Network on Chip Architectures for Video Object Plane Decoder Design. ISPA 2006: 75-85
8EEVu-Duc Ngo, Huy Nam Nguyen, Younghwan Bae, Hanjin Cho, Hae-Wook Choi: Throughput Aware Mapping for Network on Chip Design of H.264 Decoder. ISPA Workshops 2006: 791-802
7EESang-Ho Seo, Hae-Wook Choi, Sin-Chong Park: Low Latency and Memory Efficient Viterbi Decoder Using Modified State-Mapping Method. IEICE Transactions 89-B(4): 1413-1416 (2006)
6EEHo-Seok Choi, Hae-Wook Choi, Sin-Chong Park: Instruction Based Synthesizable Testbench Architecture. IEICE Transactions 89-C(5): 653-657 (2006)
5EEJungbo Son, Hae-Wook Choi, Sin-Chong Park: Accelerating Verification with Reusable Testbench. IEICE Transactions 89-D(2): 853-856 (2006)
4 Huy Nam Nguyen, Vu-Duc Ngo, Hae-Wook Choi: Realization of video object plane decoder on mesh on-chip network architecture. Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2005: 137-141
3EEVu-Duc Ngo, Huy Nam Nguyen, Hae-Wook Choi: Analyzing the Performance of Mesh and Fat-Tree Topologies for Network on Chip Design. EUC 2005: 300-310
2EEHuy Nam Nguyen, Vu-Duc Ngo, Hae-Wook Choi: Realization of Video Object Plane Decoder on On-Chip Network Architecture. ICESS 2005: 256-264
1EEVu-Duc Ngo, Huy Nam Nguyen, Hae-Wook Choi: Designing On-Chip Network Based on Optimal Latency Criteria. ICESS 2005: 287-298

Coauthor Index

1Younghwan Bae [8] [10] [11]
2June-Young Chang [10]
3Hanjin Cho [8] [10] [11]
4Ho-Seok Choi [6]
5Daehyun Kim [12]
6Vu-Duc Ngo [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
7Huy Nam Nguyen [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [9] [11]
8Seongmin Noh [12]
9Sin-Chong Park [5] [6] [7]
10Sang-Ho Seo [7]
11Jungbo Son [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)