
Byeong-Seog Choe

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5EEJinoo Joung, Byeong-Seog Choe, Hongkyu Jeong, Hyunsurk Ryu: Effect of Flow Aggregation on the Maximum End-to-End Delay. HPCC 2006: 426-435
4 H. Jonathan Chao, Byeong-Seog Choe, Jin-Soo Park, Necdet Uzun: Design and Implementation of Abacus Switch: A Scalable Multicast ATM Switch. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(5): 830-843 (1997)
3EEH. Jonathan Chao, Byeong-Seog Choe: Design and analysis of a large-scale multicast output buffered ATM switch. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 3(2): 126-138 (1995)
2 Byeong-Seog Choe, H. Jonathan Chao: Fault Tolerance of A Large-Scale Multicast Output Buffered ATM Switch. INFOCOM 1994: 1456-1464
1 Byeong-Seog Choe, H. Jonathan Chao: Performance Analysis of a Large-Scale Multicast Output Buffered ATM Switch. INFOCOM 1994: 1472-1479

Coauthor Index

1H. Jonathan Chao [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Hongkyu Jeong [5]
3Jinoo Joung [5]
4Jin-Soo Park [4]
5Hyunsurk Ryu [5]
6Necdet Uzun [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)