
SeongHwan Cho

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4EESung-Jin Kim, Min-Chang Cho, Joonhyun Park, Kisuk Song, Yul Kim, SeongHwan Cho: An ultra low power UHF RFID tag front-end for EPCglobal Gen2 with novel clock-free decoder. ISCAS 2008: 660-663
3EEDongmin Park, SeongHwan Cho: A power-optimized CMOS LC VCO with wide tuning range in 0.5-V supply. ISCAS 2006
2EEJaewook Kim, SeongHwan Cho: A time-based analog-to-digital converter using a multi-phase voltage controlled oscillator. ISCAS 2006
1EESeongHwan Cho, Sungmin Ock, Sang-Hoon Lee, Joon-Suk Lee: A low power pipelined analog-to-digital converter using series sampling capacitors. ISCAS (6) 2005: 6178-6181

Coauthor Index

1Min-Chang Cho [4]
2Jaewook Kim [2]
3Sung-Jin Kim [4]
4Yul Kim [4]
5Joon-Suk Lee [1]
6Sang-Hoon Lee [1]
7Sungmin Ock [1]
8Dongmin Park [3]
9Joonhyun Park [4]
10Kisuk Song [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)