
George T.-C. Chiu

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8EENitin Khanna, Aravind K. Mikkilineni, George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach, Edward J. Delp: Survey of Scanner and Printer Forensics at Purdue University. IWCF 2008: 22-34
7EEJoshua R. Mckinsey, George T.-C. Chiu: Interfacing a Force-Feedback Joystick with a Hydraulic Robot Arm. CIRA 2007: 497-503
6EENitin Khanna, Aravind K. Mikkilineni, Pei-Ju Chiang, Maria V. Ortiz, Sungjoo Suh, George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach, Edward J. Delp: Sensor Forensics: Printers, Cameras and Scanners, They Never Lie. ICME 2007: 20-23
5EENitin Khanna, Aravind K. Mikkilineni, Anthony F. Martone, Gazi N. Ali, George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach, Edward J. Delp: A survey of forensic characterization methods for physical devices. Digital Investigation 3(Supplement-1): 17-28 (2006)
4 Aravind K. Mikkilineni, Pei-Ju Chiang, Gazi N. Ali, George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach, Edward J. Delp: Printer identification based on graylevel co-occurrence features for security and forensic applications.. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 430-440
3 Aravind K. Mikkilineni, Gazi N. Ali, Pei-Ju Chiang, George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach, Edward J. Delp: Signature-embedding in printed documents for security and forensic applications. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2004: 455-466
2 Cheng-Lun Chen, George T.-C. Chiu, Jan P. Allebach: Robust spatially sampled controller design for banding reduction in electrophotographic process. ICRA 2003: 2622-2627
1EEJan P. Allebach, Guo-Yau Lin, Cheng-Lun Chen, Farhan A. Baqai, Je-Ho Lee, George T.-C. Chiu: Image Analysis as a Tool for Printer Characterization and Halftoning Algorithm Development (invited). SSIAI 2002: 3-8

Coauthor Index

1Gazi N. Ali [3] [4] [5]
2Jan P. Allebach [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
3Farhan A. Baqai [1]
4Cheng-Lun Chen [1] [2]
5Pei-Ju Chiang [3] [4] [6]
6Edward J. Delp [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
7Nitin Khanna [5] [6] [8]
8Je-Ho Lee [1]
9Guo-Yau Lin [1]
10Anthony F. Martone [5]
11Joshua R. Mckinsey [7]
12Aravind K. Mikkilineni [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
13Maria V. Ortiz [6]
14Sungjoo Suh [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)