
Lei-da Chen

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11EELei-da Chen: A model of consumer acceptance of mobile payment. IJMC 6(1): 32-52 (2008)
10EELei-da Chen, Cindy Corritore: Nomadic Culture and Its Impact on Organizational Support for Nomadic Behaviors and Employee Job Satisfaction. ICMB 2005: 9-15
9EELei-da Chen, Ravi Nath: Nomadic Culture: Cultural Support for Working Anytime, Anywhere. IS Management 22(4): 56-64 (2005)
8EELei-da Chen, Ravi Nath: A framework for mobile business applications. IJMC 2(4): 368-381 (2004)
7EEMark N. Frolick, Lei-da Chen: Assessing M-Commerce Opportunities. IS Management 21(2): 53-61 (2004)
6EEKhalid S. Soliman, Lei-da Chen, Mark N. Frolick: Asps: Do They Work? IS Management 20(4): 50-57 (2003)
5EEZhenyu Huang, Lei-da Chen, Mark N. Frolick: Integrating Web-Based Data into A Data Warehouse. IS Management 19(1): 23-34 (2002)
4EELei-da Chen: Enticing online consumers: a technology acceptance perspective research-in-progress. SIGCPR 2000: 124-128
3EELei-da Chen, Toru Sakaguchi, Mark N. Frolick: Data Mining Methods, Applications, and Tools. IS Management 17(1): 1-6 (2000)
2EELei-da Chen, Mark N. Frolick: Web-Based Data Warehousing: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Solutions. IS Management 17(2): 1-7 (2000)
1EENichaya Sukpanich, Lei-da Chen: Measuring Consumers' Attitudes to Web Advertising. Electronic Markets 9(1): (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Cindy Corritore [10]
2Mark N. Frolick [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
3Zhenyu Huang [5]
4Ravi Nath [8] [9]
5Toru Sakaguchi [3]
6Khalid S. Soliman [6]
7Nichaya Sukpanich [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)