
Gong Chen

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11EEGong Chen, Junghoo Cho, Mark H. Hansen: On the brink: searching for drops in sensor data. EDBT 2008: 570-581
10EEGong Chen, Wenbo He, Jie Liu, Suman Nath, Leonidas Rigas, Lin Xiao, Feng Zhao: Energy-Aware Server Provisioning and Load Dispatching for Connection-Intensive Internet Services. NSDI 2008: 337-350
9EEGong Chen, Liu Qi, Cui Huijuan, Tang Kun: Switch-Type Hybrid Hard Decision Decoding Algorithms for Regular Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(7): 3181-3188 (2008)
8EEYaobo Li, Zhiliang Ren, Gong Chen, Changcun Sun: A Method Based on ICA and SVM/GMM for Mixed Acoustic Objects Recognition. ISNN (2) 2007: 1056-1064
7EEGong Chen, Heqin Zhou, Jiefeng Yan: A Novel Method for Moving Object Detection in Foggy Day. SNPD (2) 2007: 53-58
6EEGong Chen, Xindong Wu, Xingquan Zhu: Mining Sequential Patterns across Time Sequences. New Generation Comput. 26(1): 75-96 (2007)
5EEGong Chen, Parimala Thulasiraman, Ruppa K. Thulasiram: Distributed Quasi-Monte Carlo Algorithm for Option Pricing on HNOWs Using mpC. Annual Simulation Symposium 2006: 90-97
4EEGong Chen, Xiongwei Zhang: The Application of Speech/Music Automatic Discrimination Based on Gray Correlation Analysis. IEEE ICCI 2006: 68-72
3EEGong Chen, Xindong Wu, Xingquan Zhu, Abdullah N. Arslan, Yu He: Efficient string matching with wildcards and length constraints. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 10(4): 399-419 (2006)
2EEGong Chen, Xindong Wu, Xingquan Zhu: Sequential Pattern Mining in Multiple Streams. ICDM 2005: 585-588
1 Gong Chen, Marc Teboulle: A proximal-based decomposition method for convex minimization problems. Math. Program. 64: 81-101 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Abdullah N. Arslan [3]
2Junghoo Cho [11]
3Mark H. Hansen [11]
4Wenbo He [10]
5Yu He [3]
6Cui Huijuan [9]
7Tang Kun [9]
8Yaobo Li [8]
9Jie Liu [10]
10Suman Nath [10]
11Liu Qi [9]
12Zhiliang Ren [8]
13Leonidas Rigas [10]
14Changcun Sun [8]
15Marc Teboulle [1]
16Ruppa K. Thulasiram [5]
17Parimala Thulasiraman [5]
18Xindong Wu [2] [3] [6]
19Lin Xiao [10]
20Jiefeng Yan [7]
21Xiongwei Zhang [4]
22Feng Zhao [10]
23Heqin Zhou [7]
24Xingquan Zhu [2] [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)