
Maurice Charbit

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7EEJosé Alonso Ybáñez Zepeda, Franck Davoine, Maurice Charbit: A linear estimation method for 3D pose and facial animation tracking. CVPR 2007
6EENadir Castañeda, Maurice Charbit, Eric Moulines: A New Approach for Mobile Localization in Multipath Scenarios. ICC 2007: 4680-4685
5EEJosé Alonso Ybáñez Zepeda, Franck Davoine, Maurice Charbit: Local or Global 3D Face and Facial Feature Tracker. ICIP (1) 2007: 505-508
4EEJosé Alonso Ybáñez Zepeda, Franck Davoine, Maurice Charbit: Linear Tracking of Pose and Facial Features. MVA 2007: 182-185
3 José Alonso Ybáñez Zepeda, Franck Davoine, Maurice Charbit: Face tracking using canonical correlation analysis. VISAPP (2) 2007: 396-402
2EEOlivier Derrien, Pierre Duhamel, Maurice Charbit, G. Richard: A new quantization optimization algorithm for the MPEG advanced audio coder using a statistical subband model of the quantization noise. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(4): 1328-1339 (2006)
1EEGeneviève Baudoin, François Capman, Jan Cernocký, Fadi El Chami, Maurice Charbit, Gérard Chollet, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz: Advances in Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding Using Recognition and Synthesis Techniques. TSD 2002: 269-276

Coauthor Index

1Geneviève Baudoin [1]
2François Capman [1]
3Nadir Castañeda [6]
4Jan Cernocký [1]
5Fadi El Chami [1]
6Gérard Chollet [1]
7Franck Davoine [3] [4] [5] [7]
8Olivier Derrien [2]
9Pierre Duhamel [2]
10Eric Moulines [6]
11Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz [1]
12G. Richard [2]
13José Alonso Ybáñez Zepeda [3] [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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