
Geneviève Baudoin

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7EEOlivier Venard, Geneviève Baudoin, Gérard Uzan: Experiment and evaluation of the RAMPE interactive auditive information system for the mobility of blind people in public transport. ASSETS 2008: 271-272
6EEMartha Liliana Suárez Peñaloza, Geneviève Baudoin, Martine Villegas, Luis Andia Montes: Considering a Non-Uniform Filter Bank in an UWB Multi Band On-Off Keying Transceiver. JCM 2(6): 24-29 (2007)
5EEMarc Padellini, François Capman, Geneviève Baudoin: Dynamic Unit Selection for Very Low Bit Rate Coding at 500 bits/sec. TSD 2004: 417-424
4 Augustin Radu, Geneviève Baudoin: Intelligent Agents for Quality of Service Evaluation in Multimedia Services. ICWI 2003: 1219-1224
3EEGeneviève Baudoin, François Capman, Jan Cernocký, Fadi El Chami, Maurice Charbit, Gérard Chollet, Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz: Advances in Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding Using Recognition and Synthesis Techniques. TSD 2002: 269-276
2EEPetr Motlícek, Geneviève Baudoin, Jan Cernocký, Gérard Chollet: Minimization of Transition Noise and HNM Synthesis in Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding. TSD 2001: 305-312
1EEJan Cernocký, Ivan Kopecek, Geneviève Baudoin, Gérard Chollet: Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding: Comparison of Data-Driven Units with Syllable Segments. TSD 1999: 262-267

Coauthor Index

1François Capman [3] [5]
2Jan Cernocký [1] [2] [3]
3Fadi El Chami [3]
4Maurice Charbit [3]
5Gérard Chollet [1] [2] [3]
6Ivan Kopecek [1]
7Luis Andia Montes [6]
8Petr Motlícek [2]
9Marc Padellini [5]
10Martha Liliana Suárez Peñaloza [6]
11Dijana Petrovska-Delacrétaz [3]
12Augustin Radu [4]
13Gérard Uzan [7]
14Olivier Venard [7]
15Martine Villegas [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)