
Thomas J. Chaney

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4 Thomas J. Chaney, J. Andrew Fingerhut, Margaret Flucke, Jonathan S. Turner: Design of a Gigabit ATM Switch. INFOCOM 1997: 2-11
3 Fred U. Rosenberger, Charles E. Molnar, Thomas J. Chaney, Ting-Pien Fang: Q-Modules: Internally Clocked Delay-Insensitive Modules. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(9): 1005-1018 (1988)
2 Thomas J. Chaney: Measured Flip-Flop Responses to Marginal Triggering. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(12): 1207-1209 (1983)
1 Thomas J. Chaney: Comments on ``A Note on Synchronizer or Interlock Maloperation''. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(10): 802-804 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Ting-Pien Fang [3]
2J. Andrew Fingerhut [4]
3Margaret Flucke [4]
4Charles E. Molnar [3]
5Fred U. Rosenberger [3]
6Jonathan S. Turner [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)