
Nitin Chanderwal

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10 Rohit Sharma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Chanderwal, Saumya Rawat, Vinodini Kapoor, Sonia Chadha: Time-Domain Analysis of VLSI Interconnects Considering Oscillatory Inputs. CDES 2008: 57-60
9 Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Chanderwal, Rohit Sharma, Vikas Hastir, Yogeshwar Singh Dadwhal, Mitesh Bansal, Rohit Puri, Shrey Abhi Pathania, Abhay Thakur: Smart Wireless Temperature Data Logger. ESA 2008: 140-144
8 Rohit Sharma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Chanderwal, Munish Sood, Puneet Dhawan, Anupam Prasad, Manas Srivastava, Ayushi Agarwal: An Embedded Platform For GSM/CDMA Controlled Surveillance Robot. ESA 2008: 145-150
7 Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Chanderwal, Durg Singh Chauhan: A New Approach for Inter Networks-on-Chip Communication in Networks-in-Package. ESA 2008: 16-23
6 Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Durg Singh Chauhan, Nitin Chanderwal, Abhishek Shreevats, Ankit Khare, Sunny Kapoor, Avishek Gupta, Abhishek Misra: Optimal Dynamic Routing and Flow Control in Interconnection Networks-on-Chip. ESA 2008: 193-199
5 Nitin Chanderwal, Rohit Sharma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Shruti Garhwal, Neha Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav: CSMIN Revisited: Accurate Algorithms and Strategic Design Issues. PDPTA 2008: 218-223
4EENitin Chanderwal, Ashok Subramanian: Efficient algorithms and methods to solve dynamic MINs stability problem using stable matching with complete ties. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(3): 353-380 (2008)
3 Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Chanderwal, Sachin Garg, Amit Jain, Neeraj Shah, Sumit Gupta: RJ-11 Interfaced Embedded Platform for DTMF Based Remote Control System. ESA 2007: 239-
2 Nitin Chanderwal: On Analytic Bounds of Regular and Irregular Fault-Tolerant Multi-Stage Interconnection Networks. PDPTA 2006: 221-226
1 Ashok Subramanian, Nitin Chanderwal: On Reliability Analysis of Cost-Effective Hybrid Zeta Network: A Fault-Tolerant Multi-Stage Interconnection Network. PDPTA 2006: 260-265

Coauthor Index

1Ayushi Agarwal [8]
2Mitesh Bansal [9]
3Sonia Chadha [10]
4Durg Singh Chauhan [6] [7]
5Yogeshwar Singh Dadwhal [9]
6Puneet Dhawan [8]
7Sachin Garg [3]
8Shruti Garhwal [5]
9Avishek Gupta [6]
10Sumit Gupta [3]
11Vikas Hastir [9]
12Amit Jain [3]
13Sunny Kapoor [6]
14Vinodini Kapoor [10]
15Ankit Khare [6]
16Abhishek Misra [6]
17Shrey Abhi Pathania [9]
18Anupam Prasad [8]
19Rohit Puri [9]
20Saumya Rawat [10]
21Vivek Kumar Sehgal [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
22Neeraj Shah [3]
23Rohit Sharma [5] [8] [9] [10]
24Abhishek Shreevats [6]
25Munish Sood [8]
26Manas Srivastava [8]
27Neha Srivastava [5]
28Ashok Subramanian [1] [4]
29Abhay Thakur [9]
30Kumar Vaibhav [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)