
Amaresh Chakrabarti

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7EEPrabir Sarkar, Amaresh Chakrabarti: The effect of representation of triggers on design outcomes. AI EDAM 22(2): 101-116 (2008)
6EEAmaresh Chakrabarti, Prabir Sarkar, B. Leelavathamma, B. S. Nataraju: A functional representation for aiding biomimetic and artificial inspiration of new ideas. AI EDAM 19(2): 113-132 (2005)
5EERobert B. Stone, Amaresh Chakrabarti: Special Issue: Engineering applications of representations of function, Part 1. AI EDAM 19(2): 63-63 (2005)
4EERobert B. Stone, Amaresh Chakrabarti: Special Issue: Engineering applications of representations of function, Part 2. AI EDAM 19(3): 137 (2005)
3 Amaresh Chakrabarti: Improving efficiency of procedures for compositional synthesis by using bidirectional search. AI EDAM 15(1): 67-80 (2001)
2 Amaresh Chakrabarti: Increasing efficiency of compositional synthesis by improving the database of its building blocks. AI EDAM 14(5): 403-414 (2000)
1 Amaresh Chakrabarti, Thomas P. Bligh, Tony Holden: Towards a decision-support framework for the embodiment phase of mechanical design. AI in Engineering 7(1): 21-36 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas P. Bligh [1]
2Tony Holden [1]
3B. Leelavathamma [6]
4B. S. Nataraju [6]
5Prabir Sarkar [6] [7]
6Robert B. Stone [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)