
René Caubet

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17EEBenjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel, René Caubet: A New Object-Order Ray-Casting Algorithm. IEEE Visualization 2002
16EEOlivier Le Roux, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet: Using Constraint Propagation and Domain Reduction for the Generation Phase in Declarative Modeling. IV 2001: 117-123
15EELoïc Barthe, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet: Implicit Extrusion Fields: General Concepts and Some Simple Applications. Shape Modeling International 2001: 114-
14EEVincent Bonnafous, Eric Menou, Jean-Pierre Jessel, René Caubet: Co-Operative and Concurrent Blending Motion Generators. WSCG (Short Papers) 2001: 130-
13EEYann Dupuy, Mathias Paulin, René Caubet: Occlusion Evaluation in Hierarchical Radiosity. WSCG (Short Papers) 2001: 52-59
12 Benjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel, René Caubet: Visualisation of Isosurfaces with Parametric Cubes. Comput. Graph. Forum 20(3): (2001)
11EEBenjamin Mora, Jean-Pierre Jessel, René Caubet: Accelerating volume rendering with quantized voxels. Volviz 2000: 63-70
10EEGhassan Kwaiter, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet: Controlling Object Natural Behaviors with a 3D Declarative Modeler. Computer Graphics International 1998: 248-
9 Hervé Luga, Olivier Balet, Yves Duthen, René Caubet: Interacting with Articulated Figures within the PROVIS Project. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1998: 470-477
8EEM. Robart, Mathias Paulin, René Caubet: A Realistic Material Model for Reflectance Simulation. IV 1998: 205-210
7EEGhassan Kwaiter, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet: Modelling with Constraints: A Bibliographical Survey. IV 1998: 211-
6EECyril Kardassevitch, Mathias Paulin, Jean-Pierre Jessel, René Caubet: A hierarchical radiosity platform using efficient data structures and VRML 97. Computer Networks 30(20-21): 1961-1974 (1998)
5EEOlivier Balet, Hervé Luga, Yves Duthen, René Caubet: PROVIS : A Platform for Virtual Prototyping and Maintenance Tests. CA 1997: 39-47
4EEGhassan Kwaiter, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet: Interactive Constraint System for Solid Modeling Objects. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1997: 265-270
3 Nilo Stolte, René Caubet: Discrete Ray-Tracing of Huge Voxel Spaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 14(3): 383-394 (1995)
2 Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet, F. Rubio: Declarative Scenes Modeling with Dynamic Links and Decision Rules Distributed Among the Objects. ICCG 1993: 164-178
1 Herve Maurel, Yves Duthen, René Caubet: A 4D Ray Tracing. Comput. Graph. Forum 12(3): 285-294 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Balet [5] [9]
2Loïc Barthe (Loic Barthe) [15]
3Vincent Bonnafous [14]
4Yann Dupuy [13]
5Yves Duthen [1] [5] [9]
6Véronique Gaildrat [2] [4] [7] [10] [15] [16]
7Jean-Pierre Jessel [6] [11] [12] [14] [17]
8Cyril Kardassevitch [6]
9Ghassan Kwaiter [4] [7] [10]
10Hervé Luga [5] [9]
11Herve Maurel [1]
12Eric Menou [14]
13Benjamin Mora [11] [12] [17]
14Mathias Paulin [6] [8] [13]
15M. Robart [8]
16Olivier Le Roux [16]
17F. Rubio [2]
18Nilo Stolte [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)