
Antonino Casile

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6EEFalk Fleischer, Antonino Casile, Martin A. Giese: Neural Model for the Visual Recognition of Goal-Directed Movements. ICANN (2) 2008: 939-948
5EEAntonino Casile, Michele Rucci: A Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of Fixational Instability on the Development of Thalamocortical Connectivity. Neural Computation 18(3): 569-590 (2006)
4EEAntonino Casile, Martin A. Giese: Roles of Motion and Form in Biological Motion Recognition. ICANN 2003: 854-866
3EEAntonino Casile, Michele Rucci: Eye movements and the maturation of cortical orientation selectivity. NIPS 2001: 261-267
2EEAntonino Casile, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Gerardo Lamastra, Giuseppe Lipari: Simulation and Tracing of Hybrid Task Sets on Distributed Systems. RTCSA 1998: 249-256
1EEGerardo Lamastra, Giuseppe Lipari, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Antonino Casile, Fabio Conticelli: HARTIK 3.0: a portable system for developing real-time applications. RTCSA 1997: 43-50

Coauthor Index

1Giorgio C. Buttazzo [1] [2]
2Fabio Conticelli [1]
3Falk Fleischer [6]
4Martin A. Giese [4] [6]
5Gerardo Lamastra [1] [2]
6Giuseppe Lipari [1] [2]
7Michele Rucci [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)