
Malcolm S. Casale

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4 Richard H. Lathrop, Malcolm S. Casale, Douglas J. Tobias, J. Lawrence Marsh, Leslie M. Thompson: Modeling Protein Homopolymeric Repeats: Possible Polyglutamine Structural Motifs for Huntington's Disease. ISMB 1998: 105-114
3 Malcolm S. Casale: Evaluating geometric sensitivities at singular and non-singular points of variational CAD models for design optimization. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 6(4): 443-460 (1996)
2EEMalcolm S. Casale, James E. Bobrow, Randy Underwood: Trimmed-patch boundary elements: bridging the gap between solid modeling and engineering analysis. Computer-Aided Design 24(4): 193-199 (1992)
1EEMalcolm S. Casale, James E. Bobrow: A set operation algorithm for sculptured solids modeled with trimmed patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 6(3): 235-247 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1James E. Bobrow [1] [2]
2Richard H. Lathrop [4]
3J. Lawrence Marsh [4]
4Leslie M. Thompson [4]
5Douglas J. Tobias [4]
6Randy Underwood [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)