
Paulo Carvalho

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30EEPedro Alípio, Solange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho: A unified metric for quality of service quantification. SimuTools 2009: 84
29 Óscar Gama, Paulo Carvalho, J. A. Afonso, P. M. Mendes: Wireless Sensor Networks with QoS for E-Health and e-Emergency Applications. EHST 2008: 60-69
28EERicardo Couceiro, Paulo Carvalho, Jorge Henriques, Manuel Antunes, Matthew Harris, Jörg Habetha: Detection of Atrial Fibrillation using model-based ECG analysis. ICPR 2008: 1-5
27EESolange Rito Lima, Pedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho: Improving QoS guarantees through implicit AC. NOMS 2008: 967-970
26EENuno Souto, Rui Dinis, João Carlos Silva, Paulo Carvalho: A High Throughput Technique for OFDM Systems. WCNC 2008: 301-306
25EESolange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: A service-oriented admission control strategy for class-based IP networks. Annales des Télécommunications 63(3-4): 149-166 (2008)
24EESolange Rito Lima, Pedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho: Providing Consistent Service Levels in IP Networks. APNOMS 2007: 276-285
23EEPedro Martins, Paulo Carvalho: Towards Quantization Index Modulation Strategies on Content-Based Watermarking Schemes. CIT 2007: 727-732
22EESolange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Toward Scalable Management of Multiple Service Levels in IP Networks. ECUMN 2007: 223-232
21EERui Dinis, Paulo Carvalho, Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Marco Serrazina, Paulo Pinto: Frequency-Domain Multipacket Detection: A High Throughput Technique for SC-FDE Systems. GLOBECOM 2007: 4619-4624
20EERui Dinis, Marco Serrazina, Paulo Carvalho: An Efficient Detection Technique for SC-FDE Systems with Multiple Packet Collisions. ICCCN 2007: 402-407
19EEMarco Serrazina, Rui Dinis, Paulo Carvalho: Frequency-domain detection of OQPSK signals with quasi-constant envelope and high spectral efficiency. IWCMC 2007: 417-422
18EEPedro Alípio, José Neves, Paulo Carvalho: A Logic-based Approach for IP Network Services Management and Configuration. Integrated Network Management 2007: 801-804
17EESolange Rito Lima, Pedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho: Enhancing QoS metrics estimation in multiclass networks. SAC 2007: 227-231
16EEJorge Henriques, Mário Brito, Paulo Gil, Paulo Carvalho, Manuel Antunes: Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression. ICPR (3) 2006: 942-945
15EEPedro Alípio, José Neves, Paulo Carvalho: An Ontology for Network Services. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 240-243
14EEPedro Alípio, José Neves, Paulo Carvalho: Automatic Detection of SLS Violation Using Knowledge Based Systems. KES (1) 2006: 1083-1089
13EESolange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Distributed Admission Control in Multiservice IP Networks: Concurrency Issues. JCM 1(3): 1-9 (2006)
12EEPedro Alípio, Solange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho: XML Service Level Specification and Validation. ISCC 2005: 975-980
11EESolange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Self-adaptive distributed management of QoS and SLSs in multiservice networks. Integrated Network Management 2005: 411-424
10EEPedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Enhancing Delay Differentiation Semantics of Class-Based IP Networks. HSNMC 2004: 26-37
9EEPedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Improving the quality and reliability of traffic differentiation in IP networks. SMC (5) 2004: 4680-4685
8EESolange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Distributed Admission Control for QoS and SLS Management. J. Network Syst. Manage. 12(2): (2004)
7EEPedro Alípio, Paulo Carvalho, José Neves: Using CLIPS to Detect Network Intrusions. EPIA 2003: 341-354
6EESolange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas: Managing Services Quality through Admission Control and Active Monitoring. MMNS 2003: 142-154
5EEPedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Scheduling Time-Sensitive IP Traffic. MMNS 2003: 368-380
4 Shaila C. Rössle, Paulo Carvalho, Laurent Emmanuel Dardenne, Paulo Mascarello Bisch: Development of a Computational Environment for Protein Structure Prediction and Functional Analysis. WOB 2003: 57-63
3EESolange Rito Lima, Magda Silva, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas: Long-Range Dependence of Internet Traffic Aggregates. NETWORKING 2002: 1159-1164
2EEPedro Sousa, Paulo Carvalho, Vasco Freitas: Tuning Delay Differentiation in IP Networks Using Priority Queueing Models. NETWORKING 2002: 709-720
1 Carlos Parada, Jorge Carapinha, Francisco Fontes, Solange Rito Lima, Paulo Carvalho: Testing IP Differentiated Services Implementations. TestCom 2002: 55-

Coauthor Index

1J. A. Afonso [29]
2Pedro Alípio [7] [12] [14] [15] [18] [30]
3Manuel Antunes [16] [28]
4Luis Bernardo [21]
5Paulo Mascarello Bisch [4]
6Mário Brito [16]
7Jorge Carapinha [1]
8Ricardo Couceiro [28]
9Laurent Emmanuel Dardenne [4]
10Rui Dinis [19] [20] [21] [26]
11Francisco Fontes [1]
12Vasco Freitas [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [22] [25]
13Óscar Gama [29]
14Paulo Gil [16]
15Jörg Habetha [28]
16Matthew Harris [28]
17Jorge Henriques [16] [28]
18Solange Rito Lima [1] [3] [6] [8] [11] [12] [13] [17] [22] [24] [25] [27] [30]
19Pedro Martins [23]
20P. M. Mendes [29]
21José Neves [7] [14] [15] [18]
22Rodolfo Oliveira [21]
23Carlos Parada [1]
24Paulo Pinto [21]
25Shaila C. Rössle [4]
26Alexandre Santos [3] [6]
27Marco Serrazina [19] [20] [21]
28João Carlos Silva [26]
29Magda Silva [3]
30Pedro Sousa [2] [5] [9] [10] [17] [24] [27]
31Nuno Souto [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)