
John Carpenter

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4EESanjoy K. Baruah, John Carpenter: Multiprocessor fixed-priority scheduling with restricted interprocessor migrations. J. Embedded Computing 1(2): 169-178 (2005)
3EESanjoy K. Baruah, John Carpenter: Multiprocessor Fixed-Priority Scheduling with Restricted Interprocessor Migrations. ECRTS 2003: 195-202
2EEJohn Carpenter, David Morganstein: Comparing statistical software for microcomputers. Computers & OR 13(2-3): 185-196 (1986)
1 David D. Wirtschafter, John Carpenter, Richard Gams: Facilitating the Medical Innovation Adoption Process with Clinical Algorithms. Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology 1978: 601-604

Coauthor Index

1Sanjoy K. Baruah [3] [4]
2Richard Gams [1]
3David Morganstein [2]
4David D. Wirtschafter [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)