
Dale A. Carnegie

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5EEA. D. Payne, Dale A. Carnegie, Adrian A. Dorrington, Michael J. Cree: Full Field Image Ranger Hardware. DELTA 2006: 263-268
4EEMichael J. Cree, Adrian A. Dorrington, Dale A. Carnegie: A Heterodyning Range Imager. MVA 2005: 80-83
3EES. A. Hurd, Dale A. Carnegie, N. R. Brown, P. T. Gaynor: Development of an intelligent robotic system for the automation of a meat-processing task. IJISTA 1(1/2): 32-48 (2005)
2EEDale A. Carnegie: Electronics Education: A Systems Based Mechatronic Approach. DELTA 2002: 209-213
1EEDale A. Carnegie: A Semi-Generic System for the Control of Autonomous Mobile Mechatrons. DELTA 2002: 343-346

Coauthor Index

1N. R. Brown [3]
2Michael J. Cree [4] [5]
3Adrian A. Dorrington [4] [5]
4P. T. Gaynor [3]
5S. A. Hurd [3]
6A. D. Payne [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)