
Andrea Califano

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21EEWei Keat Lim, Kai Wang, Céline Lefebvre, Andrea Califano: Comparative analysis of microarray normalization procedures: effects on reverse engineering gene networks. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 282-288
20EEAndrea Califano: Hui-Huang Hsu, Advanced Data Mining Technologies in Bioinformatics, Editors: Idea Group Publishing, pp 239. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(5): 603-604 (2007)
19EENilanjana Banerjee, Andrea Califano: Transcription Factor Centric Discovery of Regulatory Elements in Mammalian Genomes Using Alignment-Independent Conservation Maps. Comparative Genomics 2006: 200-214
18EEKai Wang, Ilya Nemenman, Nilanjana Banerjee, Adam A. Margolin, Andrea Califano: Genome-Wide Discovery of Modulators of Transcriptional Interactions in Human B Lymphocytes. RECOMB 2006: 348-362
17EECéline Lefebvre, Wei Keat Lim, Katia Basso, Riccardo Dalla Favera, Andrea Califano: A Context-Specific Network of Protein-DNA and Protein-Protein Interactions Reveals New Regulatory Motifs in Human B Cells. Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics 2006: 42-56
16 Agatha H. Liu, Andrea Califano: CASTOR: Clustering Algorithm for Sequence Taxonomical Organization and Relationships. Journal of Computational Biology 10(1): 21-46 (2003)
15EEAgatha H. Liu, Andrea Califano: Functional classification of proteins by pattern discovery and top-down clustering of primary sequences. IBM Systems Journal 40(2): 379-393 (2001)
14 Andrea Califano, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Yuhai Tu: Analysis of Gene Expression Microarrays for Phenotype Classification. ISMB 2000: 75-85
13EEReece Hart, Ajay K. Royyuru, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Andrea Califano: Systematic and automated discovery of patterns in PROSITE families. RECOMB 2000: 147-154
12 Andrea Califano: SPLASH: structural pattern localization analysis by sequential histograms. Bioinformatics 16(4): 341-357 (2000)
11 Reece Hart, Ajay K. Royyuru, Gustavo Stolovitzky, Andrea Califano: Systematic and Fully Automated Identification of Protein Sequence Patterns. Journal of Computational Biology 7(3-4): 585-600 (2000)
10 Isidore Rigoutsos, Daniel E. Platt, Andrea Califano, B. David Silverman: Representation and Matching of Small Flexible Molecules in Large Databases of 3D Molecular Information. Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data 1999: 111-129
9 Andrea Califano, Bob Germain, Scott Colville: A High-Dimensional Indexing Scheme for Scalable Fingerprint-Based Identification. ACCV (1) 1998: 32-39
8EEAndrea Califano, Rick Kjeldsen, Ruud M. Bolle: Data- and Model-Driven Multiresolution Processing. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 63(1): 27-49 (1996)
7EEAndrea Califano, Rakesh Mohan: Multidimensional Indexing for Recognizing Visual Shapes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(4): 373-392 (1994)
6 Andrea Califano, Isidore Rigoutsos: FLASH: A Fast Look-Up Algorithm for String Homology. ISMB 1993: 56-64
5EEAndrea Califano, Ruud M. Bolle: The Multiple Window Parameter Transform. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(12): 1157-1170 (1992)
4EERuud M. Bolle, Andrea Califano, Rick Kjeldsen: A Complete and Extendable Approach to Visual Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(5): 534-548 (1992)
3 Andrea Califano, Rakesh Mohan: Generalized Shape Autocorrelation. AAAI 1990: 1067-1073
2 Rick Kjeldsen, Ruud M. Bolle, Andrea Califano, Russell W. Taylor: A Homogeneous Framework for Visual Recognition. IJCAI 1989: 1578-1584
1 Andrea Califano: Feature Recognition Using Correlated Information Contained in Multiple Neighborboods. AAAI 1988: 831-836

Coauthor Index

1Nilanjana Banerjee [18] [19]
2Katia Basso [17]
3Ruud M. Bolle [2] [4] [5] [8]
4Scott Colville [9]
5Riccardo Dalla Favera [17]
6Bob Germain [9]
7Reece Hart [11] [13]
8Rick Kjeldsen [2] [4] [8]
9Céline Lefebvre [17] [21]
10Wei Keat Lim [17] [21]
11Agatha H. Liu [15] [16]
12Adam A. Margolin [18]
13Rakesh Mohan [3] [7]
14Ilya Nemenman [18]
15Daniel E. Platt [10]
16Isidore Rigoutsos [6] [10]
17Ajay K. Royyuru [11] [13]
18B. David Silverman [10]
19Gustavo Stolovitzky [11] [13] [14]
20Russell W. Taylor [2]
21Yuhai Tu [14]
22Kai Wang [18] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)