
Cristian Cadar

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10EEPeriklis Akritidis, Cristian Cadar, Costin Raiciu, Manuel Costa, Miguel Castro: Preventing Memory Error Exploits with WIT. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2008: 263-277
9EECristian Cadar, Daniel Dunbar, Dawson R. Engler: KLEE: Unassisted and Automatic Generation of High-Coverage Tests for Complex Systems Programs. OSDI 2008: 209-224
8EEPeter Boonstoppel, Cristian Cadar, Dawson R. Engler: RWset: Attacking Path Explosion in Constraint-Based Test Generation. TACAS 2008: 351-366
7EECristian Cadar, Vijay Ganesh, Peter M. Pawlowski, David L. Dill, Dawson R. Engler: EXE: Automatically Generating Inputs of Death. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 12(2): (2008)
6EECristian Cadar, Vijay Ganesh, Peter M. Pawlowski, David L. Dill, Dawson R. Engler: EXE: automatically generating inputs of death. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2006: 322-335
5EEJunfeng Yang, Can Sar, Paul Twohey, Cristian Cadar, Dawson R. Engler: Automatically Generating Malicious Disks using Symbolic Execution. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2006: 243-257
4EEMartin C. Rinard, Cristian Cadar, Huu Hai Nguyen: Exploring the acceptability envelope. OOPSLA Companion 2005: 21-30
3EECristian Cadar, Dawson R. Engler: Execution Generated Test Cases: How to Make Systems Code Crash Itself. SPIN 2005: 2-23
2EEMartin C. Rinard, Cristian Cadar, Daniel Dumitran, Daniel M. Roy, Tudor Leu: A Dynamic Technique for Eliminating Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities (and Other Memory Errors). ACSAC 2004: 82-90
1EEMartin C. Rinard, Cristian Cadar, Daniel Dumitran, Daniel M. Roy, Tudor Leu, William S. Beebee: Enhancing Server Availability and Security Through Failure-Oblivious Computing. OSDI 2004: 303-316

Coauthor Index

1Periklis Akritidis [10]
2William S. Beebee [1]
3Peter Boonstoppel [8]
4Miguel Castro [10]
5Manuel Costa [10]
6David L. Dill [6] [7]
7Daniel Dumitran [1] [2]
8Daniel Dunbar [9]
9Dawson R. Engler [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
10Vijay Ganesh [6] [7]
11Tudor Leu [1] [2]
12Huu Hai Nguyen [4]
13Peter M. Pawlowski [6] [7]
14Costin Raiciu [10]
15Martin C. Rinard [1] [2] [4]
16Daniel M. Roy [1] [2]
17Can Sar [5]
18Paul Twohey [5]
19Junfeng Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)