
Thang Nguyen Bui

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26EEThang Nguyen Bui, ThanhVu H. Nguyen, Chirag M. Patel, Kim-Anh T. Phan: An ant-based algorithm for coloring graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(2): 190-200 (2008)
25EEThang Nguyen Bui, Catherine M. Zrncic: An ant-based algorithm for finding degree-constrained minimum spanning tree. GECCO 2006: 11-18
24EEThang Nguyen Bui, ThanhVu H. Nguyen: An agent-based algorithm for generalized graph colorings. GECCO 2006: 19-26
23EEThang Nguyen Bui, Mufit Colpan: Solving geometric TSP with ants. GECCO 2005: 271-272
22EEThang Nguyen Bui, Gnanasekaran Sundarraj: An efficient genetic algorithm for predicting protein tertiary structures in the 2D HP model. GECCO 2005: 385-392
21EEThang Nguyen Bui, Joseph R. Rizzo: Finding Maximum Cliques with Distributed Ants. GECCO (1) 2004: 24-35
20EEThang Nguyen Bui, Gnanasekaran Sundarraj: Ant System for the k-Cardinality Tree Problem. GECCO (1) 2004: 36-47
19EEThang Nguyen Bui, Waleed A. Youssef: An Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for DNA Sequencing by Hybridization with Positive and Negative Errors. GECCO (2) 2004: 908-919
18 Thang Nguyen Bui, Lisa C. Strite: An Ant System Algorithm For Graph Bisection. GECCO 2002: 43-51
17EEThang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: GRCA: a hybrid genetic algorithm for circuit ratio-cut partitioning. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(3): 193-204 (1998)
16 Thang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: Genetic Algorithm and Graph Partitioning. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(7): 841-855 (1996)
15 Thang Nguyen Bui, Paul H. Eppley: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem. ICGA 1995: 478-484
14 Thang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: On Multi-Dimensional Encoding/Crossover. ICGA 1995: 49-56
13EEThang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: A Fast and Stable Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Ratio-Cut Partitioning Problem on Hypergraphs. DAC 1994: 664-669
12 Thang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: A New Genetic Approach for the Traveling Salesman Problem. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 7-12
11 Thang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: Analyzing Hyperplane Synthesis in Genetic Algorithms Using Clustered Schemata. PPSN 1994: 108-118
10 Thang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon: Hyperplane Synthesis for Genetic Algorithms. ICGA 1993: 102-109
9 Thang Nguyen Bui, Curt Jones: A Heuristic for Reducing Fill-In in Sparse Matrix Factorization. PPSC 1993: 445-452
8EEThang Nguyen Bui, Willie Hsu, SingLing Lee: A 2.5 approximation algorithm for the multi-via assignment problem. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(11): 1325-1333 (1992)
7 Thang Nguyen Bui, Curt Jones: Finding Good Approximate Vertex and Edge Partitions is NP-Hard. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(3): 153-159 (1992)
6 Thang Nguyen Bui, Andrew Peck: Partitioning Planar Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 21(2): 203-215 (1992)
5 Thang Nguyen Bui, Curt Jones: Parallel Algorithms for Partitioning Simple Classes of Graphs. ICPP (3) 1990: 150-153
4EEThang Nguyen Bui, C. Heigham, Curt Jones, Frank Thomson Leighton: Improving the Performance of the Kernighan-Lin and Simulated Annealing Graph Bisection Algorithms. DAC 1989: 775-778
3 Thang Nguyen Bui, Soma Chaudhuri, Frank Thomson Leighton, Michael Sipser: Graph bisection algorithms with good average case behavior. Combinatorica 7(2): 171-191 (1987)
2 Thang Nguyen Bui, Soma Chaudhuri, Frank Thomson Leighton, Michael Sipser: Graph Bisection Algorithms with Good Average Case Behavior FOCS 1984: 181-192
1 Thang Nguyen Bui: A Note on an Improved Bisection Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 10(1): 35-36 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Soma Chaudhuri [2] [3]
2Mufit Colpan [23]
3Paul H. Eppley [15]
4C. Heigham [4]
5Willie Hsu [8]
6Curt Jones [4] [5] [7] [9]
7SingLing Lee [8]
8Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [2] [3] [4]
9Byung Ro Moon [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17]
10ThanhVu H. Nguyen [24] [26]
11Chirag M. Patel [26]
12Andrew Peck [6]
13Kim-Anh T. Phan [26]
14Joseph R. Rizzo [21]
15Michael Sipser [2] [3]
16Lisa C. Strite [18]
17Gnanasekaran Sundarraj [20] [22]
18Waleed A. Youssef [19]
19Catherine M. Zrncic [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)