
Heiner Bubb

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7 Till Voß, Christian Mergl, Heiner Bubb: Einfluss von virtueller Realität auf die menschliche Wahrnehmung am Beispiel der Divergenz zwischen visueller und haptischer Wahrnehmung. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 560-564
6EEFlorian Fritzsche, Heiner Bubb: Prediction of Discomfort During Arm Movements. HCI (12) 2007: 66-73
5EEHeiner Bubb: Future Applications of DHM in Ergonomic Design. HCI (12) 2007: 779-793
4EEFrédéric Holzmann, Frank Flemisch, Roland Siegwart, Heiner Bubb: Introduction of a Full Redundant Architecture into a Vehicle by Integration of a Virtual Driver. AMS 2005: 179-185
3EEMarcus Tönnis, Christian Sandor, Christian Lange, Heiner Bubb: Experimental Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Visualization for Directing a Car Driver's Attention. ISMAR 2005: 56-59
2EERyoko Fukuda, Heiner Bubb: Eye tracking study on Web-use: Comparison between younger and elderly users in case of search task with electronic timetable service. PsychNology Journal 1(3): 202-228 (2003)
1EEIwona Jastrzebska-Fraczek, Heiner Bubb: Software Design and Evaluation by Ergonomics Knowledge and Intelligent Design System (EKIDES). PsychNology Journal 1(4): 378-390 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Frank Flemisch [4]
2Florian Fritzsche [6]
3Ryoko Fukuda [2]
4Frédéric Holzmann [4]
5Iwona Jastrzebska-Fraczek [1]
6Christian F. J. Lange (Christian Lange) [3]
7Christian Mergl [7]
8Christian Sandor [3]
9Roland Siegwart [4]
10Marcus Tönnis [3]
11Till Voß [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)