
Djordje Brujic

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6EEJ. G. Lambourne, Djordje Brujic, Z. Djuric, Mihailo Ristic: Calculation and Visualisation of the Thickness of 3D CAD Models. SMI 2005: 340-344
5EEMihailo Ristic, Djordje Brujic, Iain Ainsworth: Measurement-based updating of turbine blade CAD models: a case study. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17(4): 352-363 (2004)
4EEDjordje Brujic, Mihailo Ristic, Iain Ainsworth: Measurement-based modification of NURBS surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 34(3): 173-183 (2002)
3EEDjordje Brujic, Iain Ainsworth, Mihailo Ristic, Vesna Brujic: Efficient Shape Description Using NURBS. IWVF 2001: 643-653
2EEMihailo Ristic, Djordje Brujic, Surya Handayani: Efficient CAD-based triangulation of unordered 3D data. Mach. Vis. Appl. 12(2): 98-106 (2000)
1EEMihailo Ristic, Djordje Brujic: Efficient registration of NURBS geometry. Image Vision Comput. 15(12): 925-935 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Iain Ainsworth [3] [4] [5]
2Vesna Brujic [3]
3Z. Djuric [6]
4Surya Handayani [2]
5J. G. Lambourne [6]
6Mihailo Ristic [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)