
Lisa Brownsword

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8EELisa Brownsword, Patrick Kirwan, Philip Boxer, Suzanne Garcia: Tutorial 1: Modeling Key Dynamics in Complex Systems (of Systems) Environments: Foundational Concepts. ICCBSS 2008: 7
7EELisa Brownsword, Jim Smith: Using Earned Value Management for COTS-Based Systems: Issues and Recommendations. ICCBSS 2005: 13-24
6EELisa Brownsword, Minton Brooks: Managing the COTS Chaos: Experiences from the Trenches Using the Evolutionary Process for Integrating COTS-Based Systems. ICCBSS 2004: 217
5EEEd Morris, Cecilia Albert, Lisa Brownsword: COTS-Based Development: Taking the Pulse of a Project. ICCBSS 2003: 168-177
4EEBarbara Tyson, Cecilia Albert, Lisa Brownsword: Implications of Using the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMIi©) for COTS-Based Systems. ICCBSS 2003: 229-239
3EECecilia Albert, Lisa Brownsword: Meeting the Challenges of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Products: The Information Technology Solutions Evolution Process (ITSEP). ICCBSS 2002: 10-20
2EELisa Brownsword, Patricia A. Oberndorf, Carol A. Sledge: Developing New Processes for COTS-Based Systems. IEEE Software 17(4): (2000)
1 Lisa Brownsword: Applying Technology Transition in Large Software Organizations. Diffusion, Transfer and Implementation of Information Technology 1993: 373-376

Coauthor Index

1Cecilia Albert [3] [4] [5]
2Philip Boxer [8]
3Minton Brooks [6]
4Suzanne Garcia [8]
5Patrick Kirwan [8]
6Ed Morris [5]
7Patricia A. Oberndorf [2]
8Carol A. Sledge [2]
9Jim Smith [7]
10Barbara Tyson [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)