
D. Richard Brown III

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6EEJie Yang, Deniz Gündüz, D. Richard Brown III, Elza Erkip: Resource allocation for cooperative relaying. CISS 2008: 848-853
5EEMan-On Pun, D. Richard Brown III, H. Vincent Poor: Opportunistic Collaborative Beamforming with One-Bit Feedback CoRR abs/0807.2475: (2008)
4EEDeniz Gündüz, D. Richard Brown III, H. Vincent Poor: Secret Communication with Feedback CoRR abs/0812.1713: (2008)
3EED. Richard Brown III: Multistage parallel interference cancellation: convergence behavior and improved performance through limit cycle mitigation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(1): 283-294 (2005)
2EED. Richard Brown III, H. Vincent Poor, Sergio Verdú, C. Richard Johnson: Multiuser Detection for Out-of-Cell Cochannel Interference Mitigation in the IS-95 Downlink. VLSI Signal Processing 30(1-3): 217-233 (2002)
1 D. Richard Brown III, Mehul Motani, Venugopal V. Veeravalli, H. Vincent Poor, C. Richard Johnson Jr.: On the performance of linear parallel interference cancellation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(5): 1957-1970 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Elza Erkip [6]
2Deniz Gündüz [4] [6]
3C. Richard Johnson [2]
4C. Richard Johnson Jr. [1]
5Mehul Motani [1]
6H. Vincent Poor (Harold Vincent Poor) [1] [2] [4] [5]
7Man-On Pun [5]
8Venugopal V. Veeravalli [1]
9Sergio Verdú [2]
10Jie Yang [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)