2009 |
19 | EE | William H. Nesse,
Alla Borisyuk,
Paul C. Bressloff:
Fluctuation-driven rhythmogenesis in an excitatory neuronal network with slow adaptation.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 26(1): 157 (2009) |
2008 |
18 | EE | William H. Nesse,
Alla Borisyuk,
Paul C. Bressloff:
Fluctuation-driven rhythmogenesis in an excitatory neuronal network with slow adaptation.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 25(2): 317-333 (2008) |
17 | EE | Berton A. Earnshaw,
Paul C. Bressloff:
Modeling the role of lateral membrane diffusion in AMPA receptor trafficking along a spiny dendrite.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 25(2): 366-389 (2008) |
16 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
Berton A. Earnshaw,
Michael J. Ward:
Diffusion of Protein Receptors on a Cylindrical Dendritic Membrane with Partially Absorbing Traps.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 68(5): 1223-1246 (2008) |
2005 |
15 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff:
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in self-organizing neural fields.
Biological Cybernetics 93(4): 256-274 (2005) |
14 | EE | Stefanos E. Folias,
Paul C. Bressloff:
Stimulus-Locked Traveling Waves and Breathers in an Excitatory Neural Network.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 65(6): 2067-2092 (2005) |
13 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff:
Weakly Interacting Pulses in Synaptically Coupled Neural Media.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 66(1): 57-81 (2005) |
2004 |
12 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff:
Euclidean Shift-Twist Symmetry in Population Models of Self-Aligning Objects.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 64(5): 1668-1690 (2004) |
11 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
Stefanos E. Folias:
Front Bifurcations in an Excitatory Neural Network.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 65(1): 131-151 (2004) |
2002 |
10 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
Jack D. Cowan,
Martin Golubitsky,
Peter J. Thomas,
Matthew C. Wiener:
What Geometric Visual Hallucinations Tell Us about the Visual Cortex.
Neural Computation 14(3): 473-491 (2002) |
9 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
Jack D. Cowan:
An Amplitude Equation Approach to Contextual Effects in Visual Cortex.
Neural Computation 14(3): 493-525 (2002) |
2000 |
8 | | Paul C. Bressloff,
Stephen Coombes:
Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Spiking Neurons.
Neural Computation 12(1): 91-129 (2000) |
7 | | Paul C. Bressloff,
N. W. Bressloff,
Jack D. Cowan:
Dynamical Mechanism for Sharp Orientation Tuning in an Integrate-and-Fire Model of a Cortical Hypercolumn.
Neural Computation 12(11): 2473-2511 (2000) |
6 | | Peter Roper,
Paul C. Bressloff,
André Longtin:
A Phase Model of Temperature-Dependent Mammalian Cold Receptors.
Neural Computation 12(5): 1067-1093 (2000) |
5 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
Stephen Coombes:
Solitary Waves in a Model of Dendritic Cable with Active Spines.
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 61(2): 432-453 (2000) |
1999 |
4 | | Paul C. Bressloff:
Resonantlike Synchronization and Bursting in a Model of Pulse-Coupled Neurons with Active Dendrites.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 6(3): 237-249 (1999) |
1994 |
3 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff:
Learning Temporal Sequences from Examples in a Local Feedback Neural Network.
Int. J. Neural Syst. 5(1): 49-58 (1994) |
2 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
John G. Taylor:
Dynamics of compartmental model neurons.
Neural Networks 7(6-7): 1153-1165 (1994) |
1991 |
1 | EE | Paul C. Bressloff,
John G. Taylor:
Discrete time leaky integrator network with synaptic noise.
Neural Networks 4(6): 789-801 (1991) |