
Mark Brehob

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6 Joel VanLaven, Mark Brehob, Kevin J. Compton: Side Channel Analysis, Fault Injection and Applications - A Computationally Feasible SPA Attack on AES via Optimized Search. SEC 2005: 577-588
5EEMark Brehob, Stephen Wagner, Eric Torng, Richard J. Enbody: Optimal Replacement Is NP-Hard for Nonstandard Caches. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(1): 73-76 (2004)
4 Mark Brehob, Richard J. Enbody, Eric Torng, Stephen Wagner: On-line Restricted Caching. J. Scheduling 6(2): 149-166 (2003)
3EEMark Brehob, Richard J. Enbody, Eric Torng, Stephen Wagner: On-line restricted caching. SODA 2001: 374-383
2EEMark Brehob, Eric Torng, Patchrawat Uthaisombut: Applying extra-resource analysis to load balancing. SODA 2000: 560-561
1EEMark Brehob, Richard J. Enbody: The Potential of Carbon-Based Memory Systems. MTDT 1999: 110-114

Coauthor Index

1Kevin J. Compton [6]
2Richard J. Enbody [1] [3] [4] [5]
3Eric Torng [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Patchrawat Uthaisombut [2]
5Joel VanLaven [6]
6Stephen Wagner [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)