
Crescencio Bravo

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31EEJesús Gallardo, Ana I. Molina, Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, César A. Collazos: Comparative Study of Tools for Collaborative Task Modelling: An Empirical and Heuristic-Based Evaluation. CRIWG 2008: 340-355
30EERafael Duque, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega: A Methodological Approach for the Design of Observation Mechanisms of the Users' Activity in CSCL Systems. ICALT 2008: 85-86
29EERafael Duque, Crescencio Bravo: Analyzing Work Productivity and Program Quality in Collaborative Programming. ICSEA 2008: 270-276
28EERafael Duque, María Luisa Rodríguez, María Visitación Hurtado, Manuel Noguera, Crescencio Bravo: An Architecture to Integrate Automatic Observation Mechanisms for Collaboration Analysis in Groupware. OTM Workshops 2008: 354-363
27EEJesús Gallardo, Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo: Developing Collaborative Modeling Systems Following a Model-Driven Engineering Approach. OTM Workshops 2008: 442-451
26EERafael Duque, Crescencio Bravo: Supporting Distributed Pair Programming with the COLLECE Groupware System: An Empirical Study. XP 2008: 232-233
25EECrescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, M. Felisa Verdejo, Manuel Ortega: A framework for process-solution analysis in collaborative learning environments. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(11): 812-832 (2008)
24 Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, Manuel Ortega: Designing the Human Computer Interaction: Trends and Challenges. J. UCS 14(9): 1388-1390 (2008)
23 Rafael Duque, Jesús Gallardo, Crescencio Bravo, António José Mendes: Defining Tasks, Domains and Conversational Acts in CSCW Systems: the SPACE-DESIGN Case Study. J. UCS 14(9): 1463-1479 (2008)
22EECésar A. Collazos, Luis A. Guerrero, Miguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo: Visualizing Shared-Knowledge Awareness in Collaborative Learning Processes. CRIWG 2007: 56-71
21EERafael Duque, Crescencio Bravo: A Method to Classify Collaboration in CSCL Systems. ICANNGA (1) 2007: 649-656
20EERafael Duque, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega: Towards an Ontology to Conceptualize Solution Analysis Tasks in CSCL Environments. ICCS 2007: 509-512
19EEJesús Gallardo, Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo: An Ontological Approach for Developing Domain-Independent Groupware. WETICE 2007: 206-207
18EECésar A. Collazos, Manuel Ortega, Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo: Tracing CSCL Processes. Intelligent Educational Machines 2007: 103-116
17EERafael Duque, Crescencio Bravo: The Usefulness of CSCW Systems in Process-Sensitive Software Engineering Environments. CDVE 2006: 156-163
16EECrescencio Bravo, Pablo García: A System to Support Collaborative Mobile Electronic Meetings. CDVE 2006: 200-210
15EECrescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, Manuel Ortega, M. Felisa Verdejo: Collaborative distributed environments for learning design tasks by means of modelling and simulation. J. Network and Computer Applications 29(4): 321-342 (2006)
14EEAntónio José Mendes, Anabela Gomes, Micaela Esteves, Maria José Marcelino, Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo: Using simulation and collaboration in CS1 and CS2. ITiCSE 2005: 193-197
13EECrescencio Bravo, Maria José Marcelino, Anabela Gomes, Micaela Esteves, António José Mendes: Integrating Educational Tools for Collaborative Computer Programming Learning. J. UCS 11(9): 1505-1517 (2005)
12EECrescencio Bravo, Jesús Gallardo, Beatriz García-Minguillán, Miguel A. Redondo: Using Specifications to Build Domain-Independent Collaborative Design Environments. CDVE 2004: 104-114
11EEAna I. Molina, Miguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega: Using Simulation, Collaboration, and 3D Visualization for Design Learning: A Case Study in Domotics. CDVE 2004: 164-171
10EEMiguel A. Redondo, José R. Sánchez, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega, José Bravo: SACEME: An Authoring Tool for Knowledge Acquisition Using Techniques of Programming by Examples. CAEPIA 2003: 507-516
9EECrescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, Manuel Ortega, José Bravo: Organizing Problem Solving Activities for Synchronous Collaborative Learning of Design Domains. ICWE 2003: 108-111
8EEMaximiliano Paredes, Manuel Ortega, Pedro P. Sánchez-Villalón, Miguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo, José Bravo: Semi-automatic Assessment Process in a Ubiquitous Environment for Language Learning. ICWE 2003: 255-258
7EEJosé Bravo, Manuel Ortega, Miguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo: Planning: An Intermediate Solution to the Problems in Design. ICWE 2003: 98-107
6EEMiguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega, Felisa Verdejo: PlanEdit: An Adaptive Problem Solving Tool for Design. AH 2002: 560-563
5EECrescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, Manuel Ortega, Felisa Verdejo: Collaborative Discovery Learning of Model Design. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 671-680
4EEJosé Bravo, Manuel Ortega, Miguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo: Interacción abstracta en una clase ubícua. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 16: 49-54 (2002)
3 Manuel Ortega, Miguel A. Redondo, Maximiliano Paredes, Pedro P. Sánchez-Villalón, Crescencio Bravo, José Bravo: Ubiquitous Computing and Collaboration. New interaction paradigms in the classroom for the 21st Century. Computers and Education. Towards an Interconnected Society 2001: 261-273
2 Crescencio Bravo, Miguel A. Redondo, José Bravo, Manuel Ortega, M. Lacruz: Synchronous Drawing Actions in Environments of Collaborative Learning of Design. Computers and Education in the 21st Century 2000: 107-118
1 Miguel A. Redondo, Crescencio Bravo, José Bravo, Manuel Ortega: Collaborative planning for problem solution in distance learning. Computers and Education in the 21st Century 2000: 263-274

Coauthor Index

1José Bravo [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2César A. Collazos [18] [22] [31]
3Rafael Duque [17] [20] [21] [23] [26] [28] [29] [30]
4Micaela Esteves [13] [14]
5Jesús Gallardo [12] [19] [23] [27] [31]
6Pablo García [16]
7Beatriz García-Minguillán [12]
8Anabela Gomes [13] [14]
9Luis A. Guerrero [22]
10María Visitación Hurtado [28]
11M. Lacruz [2]
12Maria José Marcelino [13] [14]
13António José Mendes [13] [14] [23]
14Ana I. Molina [11] [31]
15Manuel Noguera [28]
16Manuel Ortega [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [15] [18] [20] [24] [25] [30]
17Maximiliano Paredes [3] [8]
18Miguel A. Redondo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [18] [19] [22] [24] [25] [27] [31]
19María Luisa Rodríguez [28]
20José R. Sánchez [10]
21Pedro P. Sánchez-Villalón [3] [8]
22M. Felisa Verdejo (María Felisa Verdejo Maillo, Felisa Verdejo) [5] [6] [15] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)