
Peter J. Braspenning

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14EENik Baerten, Peter J. Braspenning: MAS Dynamics on Stage. Virtual Reality 6(4): 181-195 (2003)
13EEInge M. C. Lemmens, Peter J. Braspenning: A Formal Analysis of Smithsonian Computational Reflection. Reflection 1999: 135-137
12EEEvgueni N. Smirnov, Peter J. Braspenning: Version Space Retraction with Instance-Based Boundary Sets. AIMSA 1998: 389-402
11 Evgueni N. Smirnov, Peter J. Braspenning: Version Space Learning with Instance-Based Boundary Sets. ECAI 1998: 460-464
10 Jacques Penders, Peter J. Braspenning: Situated Actions and Cognition. IJCAI 1997: 1372-1381
9 Peter J. Braspenning, F. Thuijsman, A. J. M. M. Weijters: Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction to ANN Theory and Practice Springer 1995
8 Peter J. Braspenning: Introduction: Neural Networks as Associative Devices. Artificial Neural Networks 1995: 1-9
7 Peter J. Braspenning: Neural Cognodynamics. Artificial Neural Networks 1995: 247-271
6 Jacques H. J. Lenting, Peter J. Braspenning: An All-Pay Auction Approach to Reallocation. ECAI 1994: 259-263
5 Jacques Penders, Lyuba Alboul, Peter J. Braspenning: The Interaction of Congenial Autonomous Robots. ECAI 1994: 694-698
4EEJacques H. J. Lenting, Peter J. Braspenning: The Frame Problem from an Engineering Perspective. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 3(2): 257-265 (1993)
3 Jan L. Talmon, Herco Fonteijn, Peter J. Braspenning: An Analysis of the WITT Algorithm. Machine Learning 11: 91-104 (1993)
2 Jacques H. J. Lenting, Peter J. Braspenning: Delegated Negotiation for Resource Re-Allocation. GWAI 1992: 299-312
1 Peter J. Braspenning: Reasoning for Interpreting Sensor Data. IAS 1986: 1-20

Coauthor Index

1Lyuba Alboul [5]
2Nik Baerten [14]
3Herco Fonteijn [3]
4Inge M. C. Lemmens [13]
5Jacques H. J. Lenting [2] [4] [6]
6Jacques Penders [5] [10]
7Evgueni N. Smirnov [11] [12]
8Jan L. Talmon [3]
9F. Thuijsman [9]
10A. J. M. M. Weijters (Ton Weijters) [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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