2009 |
89 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Catherine Berrut,
Josiane Mothe,
Chantal Soulé-Dupuy:
Advances in Information Retrieval, 31th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2009, Toulouse, France, April 6-9, 2009. Proceedings
Springer 2009 |
88 | EE | Mouna Torjmen,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
XML Multimedia Retrieval: From Relevant Textual Information to Relevant Multimedia Fragments.
ECIR 2009: 150-161 |
87 | EE | Malik Muhammad Saad Missen,
Mohand Boughanem:
Using WordNet's Semantic Relations for Opinion Detection in Blogs.
ECIR 2009: 729-733 |
86 | EE | Mariam Daoud,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani,
Mohand Boughanem,
Bilal Chebaro:
A session based personalized search using an ontological user profile.
SAC 2009: 1732-1736 |
2008 |
85 | EE | Mariam Daoud,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani,
Mohand Boughanem:
Using a graph-based ontological user profile for personalizing search.
CIKM 2008: 1495-1496 |
84 | EE | Mohamed Benaouicha,
Mohamed Tmar,
Mohand Boughanem,
Mohamed Abid:
XML Information Retrieval Based on Tree Matching.
ECBS 2008: 499-500 |
83 | | Mohamed Khazri,
Mohamed Tmar,
Mohand Boughanem,
Mohamed Abid:
Classification des documents en réseaux petits-mondes en vue dapprentissage.
EGC 2008: 199-200 |
82 | EE | Mariam Daoud,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani,
Mohand Boughanem:
Learning user interests for a session-based personalized search.
IIiX 2008: 57-64 |
81 | EE | Malik Muhammad Saad Missen,
Mohand Boughanem,
Bruno Gaume:
The Small World of Web Network Graphs.
IMTIC 2008: 133-145 |
80 | EE | Mouna Torjmen,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
Towards a structure-based multimedia retrieval model.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 350-357 |
2007 |
79 | EE | Lobna Hlaoua,
Mohand Boughanem,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat:
Combination of evidences in relevance feedback for xml retrieval.
CIKM 2007: 893-896 |
78 | EE | Nesrine Zemirli,
Lynda Tamine,
Mohand Boughanem:
A Personalized Retrieval Model based on Influence Diagrams.
CIR 2007 |
77 | EE | Mouna Torjmen,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
Using Pseudo-Relevance Feedback to Improve Image Retrieval Results.
CLEF 2007: 665-673 |
76 | EE | Fatiha Boubekeur,
Mohand Boughanem,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani:
Semantic Information Retrieval Based on CP-Nets.
FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-7 |
75 | EE | Lynda Tamine-Lechani,
Mohand Boughanem,
Nesrine Zemirli:
Exploiting multi-evidence from multiple user's interests to personalizing information retrieval.
ICDIM 2007: 7-12 |
74 | | Mouna Torjmen,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
Utilisation du contexte textuel et structurel pour la recherche d'images dans des documents XML.
INFORSID 2007: 21-36 |
73 | | Nesrine Zemirli,
Lynda Tamine,
Mohand Boughanem:
Présentation et évaluation d'un modèle d'accès personnalisé à l'information basé sur les diagrammes d'influence.
INFORSID 2007: 89-104 |
72 | EE | Fatma-Zohra Bessai Mechmache,
Mohand Boughanem,
Zaia Alimazighi:
Possibility and necessity measures for relevance assessment.
PIKM 2007: 155-162 |
71 | | Lobna Hlaoua,
Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
Relevance Feedback for XML Retrieval: using structure and content to expand queries.
RCIS 2007: 195-202 |
70 | | Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
A Survey on XML Focussed Component Retrieval.
RIAO 2007 |
69 | | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Gabriella Pasi,
Henri Prade:
An Information Retrieval Driven by Ontology: from Query to Document Expansion.
RIAO 2007 |
68 | | Lobna Hlaoua,
Mohand Boughanem,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat:
Using a Content-and-Structure Oriented Method for Relevance Feedback in XML Retrieval.
RIAO 2007 |
67 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Yannick Loiseau,
Henri Prade:
Refining Aggregation Functions for Improving Document Ranking in Information Retrieval.
SUM 2007: 255-267 |
66 | EE | Mariam Daoud,
Lynda Tamine,
Mohand Boughanem,
Bilal Chebaro:
Learning Implicit User Interests Using Ontology and Search History for Personalization.
WISE Workshops 2007: 325-336 |
2006 |
65 | EE | Lobna Hlaoua,
Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
A structure-oriented relevance feedback method for XML retrieval.
CIKM 2006: 780-781 |
64 | EE | Lynda Tamine-Lechani,
Mohand Boughanem:
Influence Diagrams for Contextual Information Retrieval.
ECIR 2006: 464-467 |
63 | EE | Soheila Karbasi,
Mohand Boughanem:
Document Length Normalization Using Effective Level of Term Frequency in Large Collections.
ECIR 2006: 72-83 |
62 | EE | Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment:
Why Using Structural Hints in XML Retrieval?.
FQAS 2006: 197-209 |
61 | EE | Fatiha Boubekeur,
Mohand Boughanem,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani:
Towards Flexible Information Retrieval Based on CP-Nets.
FQAS 2006: 222-231 |
60 | EE | Lobna Hlaoua,
Mouna Torjmen,
Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
XFIRM at INEX 2006. Ad-Hoc, Relevance Feedback and MultiMedia Tracks.
INEX 2006: 373-386 |
59 | | Ines Kammoun,
Mohamed Tmar,
Mohand Boughanem:
Reformulation automatique de la requête en recherche d'information structurée.
INFORSID 2006: 263-274 |
58 | | Fatma-Zohra Bessai Mechmache,
Mohand Boughanem:
Vers une modélisation possibiliste de la recherche d'information dans des documents structurés en XML.
INFORSID 2006: 275-290 |
57 | | Lobna Hlaoua,
Mohand Boughanem,
Karen Sauvagnat:
Réinjection de structures pour la reformulation de requêtes en RI structurée.
INFORSID 2006: 435-450 |
56 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Mustapha Baziz:
An IR Model Based on a Sub-Tree Representation.
ISPE CE 2006: 450-457 |
55 | EE | Soheila Karbasi,
Mohand Boughanem:
Effective level of term frequency impact on large-scale retrieval performance: by top-term ranking method.
Infoscale 2006: 37 |
54 | EE | Lynda Tamine,
Mohand Boughanem,
Nesrine Zemirli:
Inferring the user interests using the search history.
LWA 2006: 108-110 |
53 | EE | Karen Sauvagnat,
Lobna Hlaoua,
Mohand Boughanem:
XML retrieval: what about using contextual relevance?
SAC 2006: 1114-1115 |
52 | EE | Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment:
Answering content and structure-based queries on XML documents using relevance propagation.
Inf. Syst. 31(7): 621-635 (2006) |
51 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani:
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 11(4): 7-8 (2006) |
50 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Lynda Tamine-Lechani,
José Martinez,
Sylvie Calabretto,
Jean-Pierre Chevallet:
Un nouveau passage à l'échelle en recherche d'information.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 11(4): 9-35 (2006) |
2005 |
49 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Yannick Loiseau,
Henri Prade:
Rank-Ordering Documents According to Their Relevance in Information Retrieval Using Refinements of Ordered-Weighted Aggregations.
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2005: 44-54 |
48 | EE | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles:
Evaluating a Conceptual Indexing Method by Utilizing WordNet.
CLEF 2005: 238-246 |
47 | | Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
A la Recherche de noeuds informatifs dans des corpus de documents XML.
CORIA 2005: 119-134 |
46 | EE | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles:
Conceptual Indexing Based on Document Content Representation.
CoLIS 2005: 171-186 |
45 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Yannick Loiseau,
Henri Prade:
Improving Document Ranking in Information Retrieval Using Ordered Weighted Aggregation and Leximin Refinement.
EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 1269-1274 |
44 | EE | Asma Brini,
Luis M. de Campos,
Didier Dubois,
Mohand Boughanem:
Query Propagation in Possibilistic Information Retrieval Networks.
EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 1281-1286 |
43 | EE | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Gabriella Pasi,
Henri Prade:
A fuzzy set approach to concept-based information retrieval.
EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 1287-1292 |
42 | EE | Karen Sauvagnat,
Lobna Hlaoua,
Mohand Boughanem:
XFIRM at INEX 2005: Ad-Hoc and Relevance Feedback Tracks.
INEX 2005: 88-103 |
41 | | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Salam Traboulsi:
A concept-based approach for indexing documents in IR.
INFORSID 2005: 489-504 |
40 | EE | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles,
Claude Chrisment:
Semantic cores for representing documents in IR.
SAC 2005: 1011-1017 |
39 | EE | Hamid Tebri,
Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment:
Incremental profile learning based on a reinforcement method.
SAC 2005: 1096-1101 |
38 | EE | Asma Brini,
Mohand Boughanem,
Didier Dubois:
A Model for Information Retrieval Based on Possibilistic Networks.
SPIRE 2005: 271-282 |
2004 |
37 | EE | Mustapha Baziz,
Mohand Boughanem,
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles:
IRIT at CLEF 2004: The English GIRT Task.
CLEF 2004: 283-291 |
36 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Hamid Tebri,
Mohamed Tmar:
Apprentissage par renforcement dans un système de filtrage adaptatif.
CORIA 2004: 27-40 |
35 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Hamid Tebri,
Mohamed Tmar:
Apprentissage incrémental des profils dans un système de filtrage d'information.
EGC 2004: 485-490 |
34 | EE | Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
Using a Relevance Propagation Method for Adhoc and Heterogeneous Tracks at INEX 2004.
INEX 2004: 337-348 |
33 | | Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem:
Le langage de requêtes XFIRM pour la recherche d'information dans les documents XML.
INFORSID 2004: 107-123 |
32 | EE | Karen Sauvagnat,
Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment:
Searching XML Documents Using Relevance Propagation.
SPIRE 2004: 242-254 |
31 | EE | Yannick Loiseau,
Henri Prade,
Mohand Boughanem:
Qualitative pattern matching with linguistic terms.
AI Commun. 17(1): 25-34 (2004) |
2003 |
30 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Asma Brini:
Introduction de la gradualité dans le jugement utilisateur.
EGC 2003: 343-348 |
29 | EE | Asma Brini,
Mohand Boughanem:
Relevance feedback: introduction of partial assessments for query expansion.
EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 67-72 |
28 | | Mustapha Baziz,
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles,
Mohand Boughanem:
Exploitation des Liens Sémantiques pour l'Expansion de Requêtes dans un Système de Recherche d'Information.
INFORSID 2003: 121-134 |
27 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Karen Sauvagnat,
Cecile Laffaire:
Mercure at TREC 2003 Web track - Topic Distillation Task.
TREC 2003: 343-348 |
26 | EE | Lynda Tamine,
Claude Chrisment,
Mohand Boughanem:
Multiple query evaluation based on an enhanced genetic algorithm.
Inf. Process. Manage. 39(2): 215-231 (2003) |
25 | | Mustapha Baziz,
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles,
Mohand Boughanem:
Désambiguïsation et expansion de requêtes dans un SRI. Etude de l'apport des liens sémantiques.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 8(4): 113-136 (2003) |
24 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Fabio Crestani,
Gabriella Pasi:
Management of Uncertainty and Imprecision in Multimedia Information Systems: Introducing this Special Issue.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11(1): 1-4 (2003) |
2002 |
23 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Lynda Tamine:
A Study on Using Genetic Niching for Query Optimisation in Document Retrieval.
ECIR 2002: 135-149 |
22 | | Lynda Tamine,
Mohand Boughanem:
Optimisation de la pertinence dans un SRI: Un problème multi-modal approché sous l'angle de la génétique.
INFORSID 2002: 39-53 |
21 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Mohamed Tmar:
Incremental adaptive filtering: profile learning and threshold calibration.
SAC 2002: 640-644 |
20 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Hamid Tebri,
Mohamed Tmar:
IRIT at TREC 2002: Filtering Track.
TREC 2002 |
19 | EE | Anis Benammar,
Mohand Boughanem,
Gilles Hubert,
Cecile Laffaire,
Josiane Mothe:
IRIT at TREC 2002: Web Track.
TREC 2002 |
18 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment,
Lynda Tamine:
On using genetic algorithms for multimodal relevance optimization in information retrieval.
JASIST 53(11): 934-942 (2002) |
2001 |
17 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment,
Nawel Nassr:
Investigation on Disambiguation in CLIR: Aligned Corpus and Bi-directional Translation-Based Strategies.
CLEF 2001: 158-168 |
16 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment,
Mohamed Tmar:
Mercure and MercureFiltre Applied for Web and Filtering Tasks at TREC-10.
TREC 2001 |
2000 |
15 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Lynda Tamine:
Query Optimization Using An Improved Genetic Algorithm.
CIKM 2000: 368-373 |
14 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Nawel Nassr:
Mercure at CLEF-1.
CLEF 2000: 202-209 |
13 | EE | Mohamed Tmar,
Mohand Boughanem:
Learning Profile in Routing: Comparison between Relevance and Gradient Back-Propagation.
SPIRE 2000: 253-259 |
12 | EE | M. Abchiche,
Mohand Boughanem,
Taoufiq Dkaki,
Josiane Mothe,
C. Soulé-Dupuy,
Mohamed Tmar:
Mercure at trec9: Web and Filtering tasks.
TREC 2000 |
1999 |
11 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
Christine Julien,
Josiane Mothe,
C. Soulé-Dupuy:
Mercure at trec8: Adhoc, Web, CLIR and Filtering tasks.
TREC 1999 |
10 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment,
C. Soulé-Dupuy:
Query Modification Based on Relevance Back-Propagation in an Ad hoc Environment.
Inf. Process. Manage. 35(2): 121-139 (1999) |
9 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Claude Chrisment,
Lynda Tamine:
Genetic Approach to Query Space Exploration.
Inf. Retr. 1(3): 175-192 (1999) |
1998 |
8 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Taoufiq Dkaki,
Josiane Mothe,
C. Soulé-Dupuy:
Mercure at TREC7.
TREC 1998: 355-360 |
1997 |
7 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Chantal Soulé-Dupuy:
Query modification based on relevance backpropagation.
RIAO 1997: 469-488 |
6 | EE | Steve Walker,
Stephen E. Robertson,
Mohand Boughanem,
Gareth J. F. Jones,
Karen Sparck Jones:
Okapi at TREC-6 Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR.
TREC 1997: 125-136 |
5 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
C. Soulé-Dupuy:
Mercure at TREC6.
TREC 1997: 321-328 |
1996 |
4 | EE | Mohand Boughanem,
C. Soulé-Dupuy:
Mercure02: adhoc and routing tasks.
TREC 1996 |
1994 |
3 | | Redouane Layaida,
Mohand Boughanem,
Armand Caron:
Constructing an Information Retrieval System with Neural Networks.
DEXA 1994: 561-570 |
1993 |
2 | | Mohand Boughanem,
Redouane Layaida,
Armand Caron:
A Neural Network Model for Documentary Base Self-Organising and Querying.
ICCI 1993: 512-518 |
1992 |
1 | | Mohand Boughanem,
C. Soulé-Dupuy:
A Connexionist Model for Information Retrieval.
DEXA 1992: 260-265 |