
Thomas Boudier

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3EEThomas Boudier, David M. Shotton: VIDOS, a system for video editing and format conversion over the Internet. Computer Networks 34(6): 931-944 (2000)
2 José María Carazo, Ernst H. K. Stelzer, A. Engel, I. Fita, C. Henn, J. Machtynger, P. McNeil, David M. Shotton, Monica Chagoyen, Pedro A. de Alarcón, R. Fritsch, J. B. Heymann, S. Kalko, J. J. Pittet, Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé, Thomas Boudier: Organising multi-dimensional biological image information: the BioImage Database. Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 280-283 (1999)
1 Thomas Boudier, Francoise Gaill, Anne Strauss: Computational Study of the Chitin Secreting Gland of Riftia pachyptila. BCEC 1997: 292-299

Coauthor Index

1Pedro A. de Alarcón [2]
2José María Carazo [2]
3Monica Chagoyen [2]
4A. Engel [2]
5I. Fita [2]
6R. Fritsch [2]
7Francoise Gaill [1]
8C. Henn [2]
9J. B. Heymann [2]
10S. Kalko [2]
11J. Machtynger [2]
12P. McNeil [2]
13J. J. Pittet [2]
14Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé [2]
15David M. Shotton [2] [3]
16Ernst H. K. Stelzer [2]
17Anne Strauss [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)