
Amar Bouali

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13EEAlberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Marco Di Natale, Scuola S. Anna, H. Hanselmann, Harald Heinecke, Amar Bouali, Hermann Kopetz, H. Fennel, Thomas Weber: Panel Session - The Future Car: Technology, Methods and Tools. DATE 2008: 812
12EEHahnsang Kim, Thierry Turletti, Amar Bouali: EPspectra: a formal toolkit for developing DSP software applications. TPLP 6(4): 451-481 (2006)
11EEHahnsang Kim, Thierry Turletti, Amar Bouali: EPspectra: A Formal Toolkit for Developing DSP Software Applications CoRR abs/cs/0502025: (2005)
10EESamar Dajani-Brown, Darren D. Cofer, Amar Bouali: Formal Verification of an Avionics Sensor Voter Using SCADE. FORMATS/FTRTFT 2004: 5-20
9 Gérard Berry, Amar Bouali, Xavier Fornari, Emmanuel Ledinot, Eric Nassor, Robert de Simone: ESTEREL: a formal method applied to avionic software development. Sci. Comput. Program. 36(1): 5-25 (2000)
8 Amar Bouali: XEVE, an ESTEREL Verification Environment. CAV 1998: 500-504
7 Amar Bouali, Annie Ressouche, Valérie Roy, Robert de Simone: The FC2TOOLS Set. AMAST 1996: 595-598
6 Amar Bouali, Annie Ressouche, Valérie Roy, Robert de Simone: The FC2TOOLS Set. CAV 1996: 441-445
5 Amar Bouali, Jean-Paul Marmorat, Robert de Simone, Horia Toma: Verifying Synchronous Reactive Systems Programmed in ESTEREL. FTRTFT 1996: 463-466
4 Amar Bouali, Annie Ressouche, Valérie Roy, Robert de Simone: The FC2TOOLS Set (Tool Demonstration). TACAS 1996: 396
3 Amar Bouali, Stefania Gnesi, Salvatore Larosa: JACK: Just Another Concurrency Kit. The intergration Projekt. Bulletin of the EATCS 54: 207-223 (1994)
2 Amar Bouali, Robert de Simone: Symbolic Bisimulation Minimisation. CAV 1992: 96-108
1 Amar Bouali, Robert de Simone: Causal Models for Rational Algebraic Processes. CONCUR 1991: 18-19

Coauthor Index

1Scuola S. Anna [13]
2Gérard Berry [9]
3Darren D. Cofer [10]
4Samar Dajani-Brown [10]
5H. Fennel [13]
6Xavier Fornari [9]
7Stefania Gnesi [3]
8H. Hanselmann [13]
9Harald Heinecke [13]
10Hahnsang Kim [11] [12]
11Hermann Kopetz [13]
12Salvatore Larosa [3]
13Emmanuel Ledinot [9]
14Jean-Paul Marmorat [5]
15Eric Nassor [9]
16Marco Di Natale [13]
17Annie Ressouche [4] [6] [7]
18Valérie Roy [4] [6] [7]
19Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli [13]
20Robert de Simone [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
21Horia Toma [5]
22Thierry Turletti [11] [12]
23Thomas Weber [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)