2009 |
7 | EE | Raphael Wimmer,
Sebastian Boring:
HandSense: discriminating different ways of grasping and holding a tangible user interface.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 359-362 |
2008 |
6 | | Raphael Wimmer,
Sebastian Boring,
Johannes Müller:
Tracking the Wiimote in 3D using ARToolkit.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2008: 257-259 |
2007 |
5 | EE | Otmar Hilliges,
Lucia Terrenghi,
Sebastian Boring,
David Kim,
Hendrik Richter,
Andreas Butz:
Designing for collaborative creative problem solving.
Creativity & Cognition 2007: 137-146 |
4 | EE | Sebastian Boring,
Manuela Altendorfer,
Gregor Broll,
Otmar Hilliges,
Andreas Butz:
Shoot & copy: phonecam-based information transfer from public displays onto mobile phones.
Mobility Conference 2007: 24-31 |
3 | EE | Sebastian Boring,
Otmar Hilliges,
Andreas Butz:
A Wall-Sized Focus Plus Context Display.
PerCom 2007: 161-170 |
2 | EE | Raphael Wimmer,
Matthias Kranz,
Sebastian Boring,
Albrecht Schmidt:
A Capacitive Sensing Toolkit for Pervasive Activity Detection and Recognition.
PerCom 2007: 171-180 |
2005 |
1 | EE | Julie A. Kientz,
Sebastian Boring,
Gregory D. Abowd,
Gillian R. Hayes:
Abaris: Evaluating Automated Capture Applied to Structured Autism Interventions.
Ubicomp 2005: 323-339 |