
Pierre E. Bonzon

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14 Ivan Moura, Pierre E. Bonzon: A Logical Abstract Machine for Mobile Communicating Agents. Applied Informatics 2003: 1133-1138
13EEPierre E. Bonzon: Conscious Behavior through Reflexive Dialogs. KI 2003: 179-193
12EEPierre E. Bonzon: Compiling Dynamic Agent Conversations. KI 2002: 33-50
11EEPierre E. Bonzon: An Abstract Machine for Classes of Communicating Agents Based on Deduction. ATAL 2001: 206-220
10 Pierre E. Bonzon: Deliberation Through Reflection. 15. WLP 2000: 147-
9EEPierre E. Bonzon: Situated BD Agents Subsume BDI Agents. ICMAS 2000: 367-368
8 Pierre E. Bonzon: Deliberate Agent Reconcile Reactive and Goal-Oriented Agents. WLP 2000: 171-181
7 Pierre E. Bonzon: A Contextual Model of Beliefs for Communicating Agents. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1998: 528-537
6 Pierre E. Bonzon: A Reflective Proof System for Reasoning in Contexts. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 398-403
5 Pierre E. Bonzon: Processing Functional Definitions as Declarative Knowledge: A Reduced Bytecode Implementation of a Functional Logic Machine. PDK 1991: 271-278
4 Pierre E. Bonzon: A Metacircular Evaluator for a Logical Extension of Scheme. Lisp and Symbolic Computation 3(2): 113-133 (1990)
3 Pierre E. Bonzon: An Environment Model for the Integration of Logic and Functional Programming. IJCAI 1987: 18-23
2 Pierre E. Bonzon: Sensitivity Analysis On-line with a Conversational Dynamic Programming System. IFIP Congress (2) 1971: 896-900
1EEPierre E. Bonzon: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Dynamic Programming of Combinatorial Type. J. ACM 17(4): 675-682 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Ivan Moura [14]

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