
Xavier Bombois

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4EEMärta Barenthin, Xavier Bombois, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Gérard Scorletti: Identification for control of multivariable systems: Controller validation and experiment design via LMIs. Automatica 44(12): 3070-3078 (2008)
3EESippe G. Douma, Xavier Bombois, Paul M. J. Van den Hof: Validity of the standard cross-correlation test for model structure validation. Automatica 44(5): 1285-1294 (2008)
2EEXavier Bombois, Gérard Scorletti, Michel Gevers, Paul M. J. Van den Hof, R. Hildebrand: Least costly identification experiment for control. Automatica 42(10): 1651-1662 (2006)
1EEAlexander Lanzon, Brian D. O. Anderson, Xavier Bombois: Selection of a single uniquely specifiable I controller in the chain-scattering framework. Automatica 40(6): 985-994 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Brian D. O. Anderson [1]
2Märta Barenthin [4]
3Sippe G. Douma [3]
4Michel Gevers [2]
5R. Hildebrand [2]
6Håkan Hjalmarsson [4]
7Paul M. J. Van den Hof [2] [3]
8Alexander Lanzon [1]
9Gérard Scorletti [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)