
Erwin R. Boer

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7EEErwin R. Boer, Michael A. Goodrich: Interfaces, autonomy, & interactions in automobile driving. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1578-1579
6EEMark Mulder, S. Kitazaki, S. Hijikata, Max Mulder, M. M. van Paassen, Erwin R. Boer: Reaction-time task during car-following with an active gas pedal. SMC (3) 2004: 2465-2470
5EEDavid A. Abbink, Frans C. T. van der Helm, Erwin R. Boer: Admittance measurements of the foot during 'maintain position' and 'relax' tasks on a gas pedal. SMC (3) 2004: 2519-2524
4 Max Mulder, René van Paassen, Erwin R. Boer: Exploring the Roles of Information in the Manual Control of Vehicular Locomotion: From Kinematics and Dynamics to Cybernetics. Presence 13(5): 535-548 (2004)
3 Michael A. Goodrich, Erwin R. Boer: Model-based human-centered task automation: a case study in ACC system design. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 33(3): 325-336 (2003)
2EEMichael A. Goodrich, Erwin R. Boer: Designing human-centered automation: trade-offs in collision avoidance system design. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1(1): 40-54 (2000)
1 Erwin R. Boer, Robert V. Kenyon: Estimation of time-varying delay time in nonstationary linear systems: an approach to monitor human operator adaptation in manual tracking tasks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(1): 89-99 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1David A. Abbink [5]
2Michael A. Goodrich [2] [3] [7]
3Frans C. T. van der Helm [5]
4S. Hijikata [6]
5Robert V. Kenyon [1]
6S. Kitazaki [6]
7Mark Mulder [6]
8Max Mulder [4] [6]
9M. M. van Paassen [6]
10René van Paassen [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)