
Rens Bod

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26EERens Bod: The Data-Oriented Parsing Approach: Theory and Application. Computational Intelligence: A Compendium 2008: 307-348
25EERens Bod: Is the End of Supervised Parsing in Sight? ACL 2007
24EERens Bod: An All-Subtrees Approach to Unsupervised Parsing. ACL 2006
23EERens Bod: An efficient implementation of a new DOP model. EACL 2003: 19-26
22EERens Bod: A General Parsing Model for Music and Language. ICMAI 2002: 5-17
21EERens Bod: A Unified Model of Structural Organization in Language and Music. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 17: 289-308 (2002)
20EERens Bod: What is the Minimal Set of Fragments that Achieves Maximal Parse Accuracy? ACL 2001: 66-73
19EERens Bod: What is the minimal set of fragments that achieves maximal parse accuracy? CoRR cs.CL/0110050: (2001)
18EERens Bod: Combining semantic and syntactic structure for language modeling CoRR cs.CL/0110051: (2001)
17EERens Bod: An Improved Parser for Data-Oriented Lexical-Functional Analysis. ACL 2000
16EERens Bod: An Empirical Evaluation of LFG-DOP. COLING 2000: 62-68
15EERens Bod: Parsing with the Shortest Derivation. COLING 2000: 69-75
14EERens Bod: Parsing with the Shortest Derivation CoRR cs.CL/0009025: (2000)
13EERens Bod: An improved parser for data-oriented lexical-functional analysis CoRR cs.CL/0009026: (2000)
12EERens Bod: Do All Fragments Count? CoRR cs.CL/0011040: (2000)
11 Remko Scha, Rens Bod, Khalil Sima'an: A memory-based model of syntactic analysis: data-oriented parsing. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 11(3): 409-440 (1999)
10 Rens Bod: Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model. COLING-ACL 1998: 138-144
9 Rens Bod, Ronald M. Kaplan: A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis. COLING-ACL 1998: 145-151
8 Remko Bonnema, Rens Bod, Remko Scha: A DOP Model for Semantic Interpretation. ACL 1997: 159-167
7EERens Bod: Efficient Algorithms for Parsing the DOP Model? A Reply to Joshua Goodman CoRR cmp-lg/9605031: (1996)
6EERens Bod: Two Questions about Data-Oriented Parsing CoRR cmp-lg/9606022: (1996)
5EERens Bod, Remko Bonnema, Remko Scha: A Data-Oriented Approach to Semantic Interpretation CoRR cmp-lg/9606024: (1996)
4EERens Bod, Remko Scha: Data-Oriented Language Processing. An Overview CoRR cmp-lg/9611003: (1996)
3 Rens Bod: Using an Annotated Language Corpus as a Virtual Stochastic Grammar. AAAI 1993: 778-783
2EERens Bod: Using an Annotated Corpus as a Stochastic Grammar. EACL 1993: 37-44
1EERens Bod: A Computational Model Of Language Performance: Data Oriented Parsing. COLING 1992: 855-859

Coauthor Index

1Remko Bonnema [5] [8]
2Ronald M. Kaplan [9]
3Remko Scha [4] [5] [8] [11]
4Khalil Sima'an [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)