
James F. Blinn

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34EEJames F. Blinn: How to Solve a Cubic Equation, Part 4: The 111 Case. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(1): 100-103 (2007)
33EEJames F. Blinn: How to Solve a Cubic Equation, Part 5: Back to Numerics. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(3): 78-89 (2007)
32EEJames F. Blinn: How to Solve a Quadratic Equation, Part 2. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(2): 82-87 (2006)
31EEJames F. Blinn: How to Solve a Cubic Equation, Part 1: The Shape of the Discriminant. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(3): 84-93 (2006)
30EEJames F. Blinn: How to Solve a Cubic Equation, Part 2: The 11 Case. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(4): 90-100 (2006)
29EEJames F. Blinn: How to Solve a Cubic Equation, Part 3: General Depression and a New Covariant. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(6): 92-102 (2006)
28EECharles T. Loop, James F. Blinn: Resolution independent curve rendering using programmable graphics hardware. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 1000-1009 (2005)
27EEJames F. Blinn: User Interface Stories from the Real World. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(1): 92-93 (2005)
26EEJames F. Blinn: Vectors and Geometry and Objects, Oh My! IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(3): 84-93 (2005)
25EEJames F. Blinn: What Is a Pixel? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(5): 82-87 (2005)
24EEJames F. Blinn: How to solve a Quadratic Equation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(6): 76-79 (2005)
23 James F. Blinn: Lines In Space - Part 6: Our Friend the Hyperbolic Paraboloid. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(3): 92-100 (2004)
22 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space, Part 7: The Algebra of Tinkertoys. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(4): 96-102 (2004)
21 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space, Part 8: Line(s) through Four Lines. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(5): 100-106 (2004)
20 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space: Part 1 - The 4D Cross Product. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(2): 84-91 (2003)
19 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space: Part 2 - The Line Formulation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(3): 72-79 (2003)
18 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space: Part 3 - The Two Matrices. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(4): 96-101 (2003)
17 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space: Part 4 - Back to the Diagrams. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(5): 84-93 (2003)
16 James F. Blinn: Lines in Space: Part 5 - A Tale of Two Lines. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(6): 84-97 (2003)
15EEJames F. Blinn: Quartic Discriminants and Tensor Invariants. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(2): 86-91 (2002)
14EEJames F. Blinn: Visualize Whirled 2 x 2 Matrices. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(4): 98-102 (2002)
13EEJames F. Blinn: Polynomial Discriminants Part 2: Tensor Diagrams. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(1): 86-92 (2001)
12EEJames F. Blinn: Tensor Contraction in C++. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(2): 88-92 (2001)
11EEJames F. Blinn: A Bright, Shiny Future. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(1): 18-19 (2000)
10EEJames F. Blinn: Correction from Last Issue. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(1): 69 (2000)
9EEJames F. Blinn: How Many Different Rational Parametric Cubic Curves Are There? Part 3: The Catalog. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(2): 85-88 (2000)
8EEJames F. Blinn: Optimizing C++ Vector Expressions. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(4): 97-103 (2000)
7EEJames F. Blinn: Polynomial Discriminants-Part 1: Matrix Magic. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(6): 94-98 (2000)
6EEAlvy Ray Smith, James F. Blinn: Blue Screen Matting. SIGGRAPH 1996: 259-268
5EETomas Porter, Pat Hanrahan, James F. Blinn, Nick England, Rob Pike, Flip Phillips: Special section: SIGGRAPH bowl. SIGGRAPH (Panels) 1990: 501-529
4EEDonna J. Cox, James F. Blinn, Richard Ellison, Helga M. Leonardt Hendriks: Beyond scientific visualization: mapping information (panel session). SIGGRAPH (Panels) 1990: 601-623
3EEJames F. Blinn: A Generalization of Algebraic Surface Drawing. ACM Trans. Graph. 1(3): 235-256 (1982)
2 Jeffrey M. Lane, Loren C. Carpenter, Turner Whitted, James F. Blinn: Scan Line Methods for Displaying Parametrically Defined Surfaces. Commun. ACM 23(1): 23-34 (1980)
1 James F. Blinn, Martin E. Newell: Texture and Reflection in Computer Generated Images. Commun. ACM 19(10): 542-547 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Loren C. Carpenter [2]
2Donna J. Cox [4]
3Richard Ellison [4]
4Nick England [5]
5Pat Hanrahan [5]
6Helga M. Leonardt Hendriks [4]
7Jeffrey M. Lane [2]
8Charles T. Loop [28]
9Martin E. Newell [1]
10Flip Phillips [5]
11Rob Pike [5]
12Tomas Porter [5]
13Alvy Ray Smith [6]
14Turner Whitted [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)