
Xavier Blanc

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21EEXavier Blanc, Isabelle Mounier, Alix Mougenot, Tom Mens: Detecting model inconsistency through operation-based model construction. ICSE 2008: 511-520
20EEXavier Blanc: Tutorials at MODELS 2008. MoDELS 2008: 910-915
19EEPrawee Sriplakich, Xavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais: Collaborative software engineering on large-scale models: requirements and experience in ModelBus. SAC 2008: 674-681
18EEReda Bendraou, Andrey Sadovykh, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Xavier Blanc: Software Process Modeling and Execution: The UML4SPM to WS-BPEL Approach. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007: 314-321
17 Xavier Blanc: Ingénierie logicielle guidée par les modèles - Avantages et limites actuels. INFORSID 2007: 7-11
16EEGregory de Fombelle, Xavier Blanc, Laurent Rioux, Marie-Pierre Gervais: Finding a Path to Model Consistency. ECMDA-FA 2006: 101-112
15EEReda Bendraou, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Xavier Blanc: UML4SPM: An Executable Software Process Modeling Language Providing High-Level Abstractions. EDOC 2006: 297-306
14EEPrawee Sriplakich, Xavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais: Supporting Collaborative Development in an Open MDA Environment. ICSM 2006: 244-253
13EEPrawee Sriplakich, Xavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais: Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment. MoDELS 2006: 631-645
12EEPrawee Sriplakich, Xavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais: Supporting transparent model update in distributed CASE tool integration. SAC 2006: 1759-1766
11EEReda Bendraou, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Xavier Blanc: UML4SPM: A UML2.0-Based Metamodel for Software Process Modelling. MoDELS 2005: 17-38
10EEXavier Blanc, Franklin Ramalho, Jacques Robin: Metamodel Reuse with MOF. MoDELS 2005: 661-675
9 Salim Bouzitouna, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Xavier Blanc: Model Reuse in MDA. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 354-360
8 Xavier Blanc, Prawee Sriplakich, Marie-Pierre Gervais: Modeling Services and Web Services: Application of ModelBus. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 557-563
7EEXavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Prawee Sriplakich: Model Bus: Towards the Interoperability of Modelling Tools. MDAFA 2004: 17-32
6EEXavier Blanc, Olivier Caron, Arnaud Georgin, Alexis Muller: Transformations de modèles : d'un modèle abstrait aux modèles EJB et CCM. L'OBJET 10(2-3): 161-173 (2004)
5EEMarie-Pierre Gervais, Xavier Blanc: Interopérabilité de spécifications. L'OBJET 8(4): 121-144 (2002)
4 Xavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Raymonde Le Delliou: On the Construction of Distributed RM-ODP Specifications. DAIS 2001: 99-114
3 Xavier Blanc, Raymonde Le Delliou: Information System architecture with RM-ODP: an on-the-field experience. WOODPECKER 2001: 27-37
2EEXavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Juliette Le Delliou: A Comparison of the Basic DO Concepts in Standardization. DOA 2000: 209-218
1EEXavier Blanc, Marie-Pierre Gervais, Juliette Le Delliou: The Specifications Exchange Service of an RM-ODP Framework. EDOC 2000: 86-

Coauthor Index

1Reda Bendraou [11] [15] [18]
2Salim Bouzitouna [9]
3Olivier Caron [6]
4Juliette Le Delliou [1] [2]
5Raymonde Le Delliou [3] [4]
6Gregory de Fombelle [16]
7Arnaud Georgin [6]
8Marie-Pierre Gervais [1] [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19]
9Tom Mens [21]
10Alix Mougenot [21]
11Isabelle Mounier [21]
12Alexis Muller [6]
13Franklin Ramalho (Franklin de S. Ramalho) [10]
14Laurent Rioux [16]
15Jacques Robin [10]
16Andrey Sadovykh [18]
17Prawee Sriplakich [7] [8] [12] [13] [14] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)