
Tim Blackmore

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6EEMike Bartley, Darren Galpin, Tim Blackmore: A comparison of three verification techniques: directed testing, pseudo-random testing and property checking. DAC 2002: 819-823
5 Tim Blackmore, Graham H. Norton: Lower Bounds on the State Complexity of Geometric Goppa Codes. Des. Codes Cryptography 25(1): 95-115 (2002)
4EETim Blackmore, Graham H. Norton: Matrix-Product Codes over Fq. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 12(6): 477-500 (2001)
3 Tim Blackmore, Graham H. Norton: On a family of Abelian codes and their state complexities. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(1): 355-361 (2001)
2EETim Blackmore, Graham H. Norton: Determining When the Absolute State Complexity of a Hermitian Code Achieves Its DLP Bound. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 15(1): 14-40 (2001)
1 Tim Blackmore: Every Binary (2m-2, 22m-2-m, 3) Code Can Be Lengthened to Form a Perfect Code of Length 2m-1. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(2): 698-700 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Mike Bartley [6]
2Darren Galpin [6]
3Graham H. Norton [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)