
Richard Black

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10EEAleksandr Simma, Moisés Goldszmidt, John MacCormick, Paul Barham, Richard Black, Rebecca Isaacs, Richard Mortier: CT-NOR: Representing and Reasoning About Events in Continuous Time. UAI 2008: 484-493
9EERichard Black, Heimir Sverrisson, Laurent Massoulié: Scalable Local Area Service Discovery. ICC 2007: 2050-2057
8EERichard Black, Austin Donnelly, Alexandru Gavrilescu, David Thaler: Fast Scalable Robust Node Enumeration. NETWORKING 2005: 252-263
7EERichard Black, Austin Donnelly, Cédric Fournet: Ethernet Topology Discovery without Network Assistance. ICNP 2004: 328-339
6 James Hall, Roberto Sabatino, Simon Crosby, Ian M. Leslie, Richard Black: A Comparative Study of High Speed Networks. INFOCOM 1998: 774-782
5EERichard Black, Paul Barham, Austin Donnelly, Neil Stratford: Protocol Implementation in a Vertically Structured Operating System. LCN 1997: 179-188
4EEJames Hall, Roberto Sabatino, Simon Crosby, Ian M. Leslie, Richard Black: Counting the Cycles: a Comparative Study of NFS Performance over High Speed Networks. LCN 1997: 8-19
3 Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley, Richard Black, Timothy Roscoe, Paul Barham, David Evers, Robin Fairbairns, Eoin Hyden: The Design and Implementation of an Operating System to Support Distributed Multimedia Applications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(7): 1280-1297 (1996)
2EERichard Black, Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley: Experiences of Building an ATM Switch for the Local Area. SIGCOMM 1994: 158-167
1 Richard Black, Simon Crosby: Experience and Results from Implementation of an ATM Socket Family. USENIX Winter 1994: 143-152

Coauthor Index

1Paul Barham (Paul R. Barham) [3] [5] [10]
2Simon Crosby [1] [4] [6]
3Austin Donnelly [5] [7] [8]
4David Evers [3]
5Robin Fairbairns [3]
6Cédric Fournet [7]
7Alexandru Gavrilescu [8]
8Moisés Goldszmidt [10]
9James Hall [4] [6]
10Eoin Hyden [3]
11Rebecca Isaacs [10]
12Ian M. Leslie [2] [3] [4] [6]
13John MacCormick [10]
14Laurent Massoulié [9]
15Derek McAuley [2] [3]
16Richard Mortier [10]
17Timothy Roscoe [3]
18Roberto Sabatino [4] [6]
19Aleksandr Simma [10]
20Neil Stratford [5]
21Heimir Sverrisson [9]
22David Thaler [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)