
Jean-Camille Birget

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29EEJean-Camille Birget: Factorizations of the Thompson-higman Groups, and Circuit Complexity. IJAC 18(2): 285-320 (2008)
28EEAhmet Emir Dirik, Nasir D. Memon, Jean-Camille Birget: Modeling user choice in the PassPoints graphical password scheme. SOUPS 2007: 20-28
27EESusan Wiedenbeck, Jim Waters, Leonardo Sobrado, Jean-Camille Birget: Design and evaluation of a shoulder-surfing resistant graphical password scheme. AVI 2006: 177-184
26EEJean-Camille Birget, Dawei Hong, Nasir D. Memon: Graphical passwords based on robust discretization. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 1(3): 395-399 (2006)
25EEJean-Camille Birget: Circuits, the Groups of Richard Thompson, and Conp-completeness. IJAC 16(1): 35-90 (2006)
24EESusan Wiedenbeck, Jim Waters, Jean-Camille Birget, Alex Brodskiy, Nasir D. Memon: Authentication using graphical passwords: effects of tolerance and image choice. SOUPS 2005: 1-12
23EESusan Wiedenbeck, Jim Waters, Jean-Camille Birget, Alex Brodskiy, Nasir D. Memon: PassPoints: Design and longitudinal evaluation of a graphical password system. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 63(1-2): 102-127 (2005)
22EEJean-Camille Birget: Functions on Groups and Computational Complexity. IJAC 14(4): 409-429 (2004)
21EEJean-Camille Birget: The Groups of Richard Thompson and Complexity. IJAC 14(5-6): 569-626 (2004)
20EEDawei Hong, Jean-Camille Birget, Shushuang Man: Probabilistic behavior of hash tables CoRR cs.DS/0303022: (2003)
19 Dawei Hong, Jean-Camille Birget: Deviation bounds for wavelet shrinkage. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(7): 1851-1858 (2003)
18EEDawei Hong, Jean-Camille Birget: Approximation of some NP-hard optimization problems by finite machines, in probability. Theor. Comput. Sci. 259(1-2): 323-339 (2001)
17EEJean-Camille Birget: Reductions and functors from problems to word problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 237(1-2): 81-104 (2000)
16EEJean-Camille Birget, Stuart W. Margolis, John C. Meakin, Pascal Weil: PSPACE-complete problems for subgroups of free groups and inverse finite automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 242(1-2): 247-281 (2000)
15 Jean-Camille Birget: Infinite String Rewrite Systems and Complexity. J. Symb. Comput. 25(6): 759-793 (1998)
14 Dawei Hong, Jean-Camille Birget: Probabilistic Approximation of Some NP Optimization Problems by Finite-State Machines. RANDOM 1997: 151-164
13EEJean-Camille Birget: The State Complexity of \Sigma * L and its Connection with Temporal Logic. Inf. Process. Lett. 58(4): 185-188 (1996)
12 Jean-Camille Birget: Two-Way Automata and Length-Preserving Homomorphisms. Mathematical Systems Theory 29(3): 191-226 (1996)
11 Jean-Camille Birget, Stuart W. Margolis, John C. Meakin, Pascal Weil: PSPACE-Completeness of Certain Algorithmic Problems on the Subgroups of Free Groups. ICALP 1994: 274-285
10 Jean-Camille Birget, Stuart W. Margolis, John C. Meakin: The Word Problem for Inverse Monoids Presented by One Idempotent Relator. Theor. Comput. Sci. 123(2): 273-289 (1994)
9 Jean-Camille Birget, Joseph B. Stephen: Formal Languages Defined by Uniform Substitutions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 132(2): 243-258 (1994)
8 Jean-Camille Birget: State-Complexity of Finite-State Devices, State Compressibility and Incompressibility. Mathematical Systems Theory 26(3): 237-269 (1993)
7 Jean-Camille Birget: Partial Orders on Words, Minimal Elements of Regular Languages and State Complexity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 119(2): 267-291 (1993)
6 Jean-Camille Birget: Intersection and Union of Regular Languages and State Complexity. Inf. Process. Lett. 43(4): 185-190 (1992)
5 Jean-Camille Birget: Positional Simulation of Two-Way Automata: Proof of a Conjecture of R. Kannan and Generalizations. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 45(2): 154-179 (1992)
4 Jean-Camille Birget: Two-way automaton computations. ITA 24: 47-66 (1990)
3 Jean-Camille Birget: Proof of a Conjecture of R. Kannan STOC 1989: 445-453
2 Jean-Camille Birget: Concatenation of Inputs in a Two-Way Automaton. Theor. Comput. Sci. 63(2): 141-156 (1989)
1 Jean-Camille Birget: Basic techniques for two-way finite automata. Formal Properties of Finite Automata and Applications 1988: 56-64

Coauthor Index

1Alex Brodskiy [23] [24]
2Ahmet Emir Dirik [28]
3Dawei Hong [14] [18] [19] [20] [26]
4Shushuang Man [20]
5Stuart W. Margolis [10] [11] [16]
6John C. Meakin [10] [11] [16]
7Nasir D. Memon [23] [24] [26] [28]
8Leonardo Sobrado [27]
9Joseph B. Stephen [9]
10Jim Waters [23] [24] [27]
11Pascal Weil [11] [16]
12Susan Wiedenbeck [23] [24] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)